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  • Have you told her your feelings??? She may just be going through an adjustment period too... you did accuse her of doing things that my not have happened after the first time... but, I honestly think that if she cheated the fisrt time then she may be on her way out... people cheat when things arent going well in a relationship, and if she told you that she isnt in love anymore things may not last... good luck
  • 1) "Lust is the initial passionate sexual desire that promotes mating, and involves the increased release of chemicals such as testosterone and estrogen. These effects rarely last more than a few weeks or months. Attraction is the more individualized and romantic desire for a specific candidate for mating, which develops out of lust as commitment to an individual mate forms. Recent studies in neuroscience have indicated that as people fall in love, the brain consistently releases a certain set of chemicals, including pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, which act similar to amphetamines, stimulating the brain's pleasure center and leading to side-effects such as an increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep, and an intense feeling of excitement. Research has indicated that this stage generally lasts from one and a half to three years.[9] Since the lust and attraction stages are both considered temporary, a third stage is needed to account for long-term relationships. Attachment is the bonding which promotes relationships that last for many years, and even decades. Attachment is generally based on commitments such as marriage and children, or on mutual friendship based on things like shared interests. It has been linked to higher levels of the chemicals oxytocin and vasopressin than short-term relationships have." Source and further information: 2) Maybe she does not feel any more for you the "lust" that people feel when they have recently fallen in love, but she still feels the "attraction", or at least the "attachment". It could be okay - except if you still wish she were also feeling the "lust". 3) It could also be the wish for a deeper relationship. She would expect you to be more caring, for instance, to give her the feeling that you love her. It could not be sufficient just to say it.
  • Don't give her time and space. Give her the boot. There's other fish in the sea.
  • I am a believer that people can make it past infidelity but I will be honest and tell you that usually when someone says they love you but are no longer in love with you.. the relationship is over. I would ask yourself if you are letting her dictate your self worth. If so.. stop. It does not sound like it was a healthy relationship. Sorry.. not trying to offend.. just my 1 cent opinion
  • no longer "in love" means " i want someone else "
  • You are absolutly sure she has cheated? because if so, I would say that she is no longer worthy of being with you. but, if it was an accident, then maybe. All in all, I'm sorry to say that your relationship is probably over. Look on the positive side, you are free of an "income drainer" as I call them. ~The fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but the fastest way to a women's heart is through your wallet.~
  • hell yes its over. she means i will always care but the fire is gone. i am no longer crazy for you. there are lots of other fish in the sea, go fishing!!!

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