• You could be nice to her.
  • Be nice, and if you find youself wanting to be mean back, go away until you feel better. Girls can't help the mood swings, its something you have to learn to deal with.
  • Try to be understanding and don't say or do things you know will upset her. Wait till it's over before discussing things of importance. Be gentle, do things for her, make her comfortable.
  • Shake it off!! It really sucks to be on a period! You want to make her happy? Go to the store and stand in line with a big box of Tampons, pads, Midol, and chocolates!
  • Stay away from her during that time. She doesn't need any boyfriend problems just making things worse.
  • Yes, they can't help it; hormones are powerful. Don't take it personally; that's the biggest mistake . . . just let it slide like water off a duck's back. If something bothers you; talk about it after the period is over.
  • This is a good time to get a hobby. Me, my Mother, and my two sisters would all 'cycle' at the same time. My Father had a great vegetable garden.
  • Well a hysterectomy would eliminate the periods, however women can be kind of fickle about people taking their uteruses out. Plus it's costly and would probably lead to early menopause. Still, if you're dead-set on eliminating the buttheadedness, go for it.
  • I can be about the biggest butthead of all when I am on my period. You have a couple of choices.... tell her she is a butthead and run or you can try to ignore anything she says for a day or two and answer yes dear for the two days and everyone should come out of it okay! ;)
  • ..mate mate you have just asked one of the oldest if not THE oldest question known to the male of the and if you ever find out you'll make millions from telling the rest of the male population! good luck!
  • If she menstrating,she would be menopausal,ever notice all this crap starts with MEN?Just hand me chocolates,midol,and dont call me a butthead.That would be a good start...
  • Get used to it.
  • Be ever so grateful you don't have to go through it. Believe me, it's not very plesant for most girls.
  • Well imagine have a huge scab on an organ beeing slowly riped off.... Just think how that might feel. Once you have the mental image, every time shes being a "butthead" hug her and ignore that shes being one. After that thank God its not happening to you because it sucks. :)
  • Have her call my girlfriend....they can complain together:)
  • Keep a supply of chocolates close by to offer her and practice these phrases, "yes dear", "sorry dear", "want some chocolate dear?". :)
  • Rub her nose in it????
  • Actually, there's a lot of evidence showing that the current Western diet is a big cause for unusually strong hormone-based rhythms, such as periods. When it's not that time of the month, I would suggest you both try a new diet more rich in raw foods, enzymes, and hormone-balancing supplements, and get regular exercise in the sun. Don't tell her this while she's bleeding, but St. John's Wort can help stabilize mood a bit.
  • Hey, YOU try bleeding for 7 days and not die, and see how fantastic YOU feel! LOL all joking aside, the shopping list was a great funny idea. Just try to focus on the postive stuff when you're around her, and if she gets to be too much, just find some other activities to do away from her. Every woman is different, and will react differently. You might try asking her when she's NOT on her period what kind of things you could do for her next time that would help lift her mood. Keep in mind that it's all about the wording during this time. Example: asking how to "lift her mood" is a better way of saying "Help you not be so bitchy". :-) You'll get a better response if you'll just think about how to say it.
  • Give up and run for cover :)
  • Imagine this: every single month you get cramps that feel like someone's punching you in the belly every once in a while, combined with backache and intense mood swings. I'm guessing you'd be a butthead too! If you picture what's she going through, it might be easier not to get annoyed with her. But having said that, if she's really laying into you, that's not right either. Tell her you're trying to be understanding and ask her to bear with you a little more :)
  • First things first. What you need to do before ANYTHING else is immediately stop using the term "butthead." Then, after you scratch that off your list, grow a pair of balls and embrace manhood my friend. Welcome to the collective. We ALL have to deal with it.
  • Well, for a start you can stop calling your girlfriend names. Then you might take a moment to consider that women's bodies are different. You could try having a little respect for anyone who can bleed for three days and live. Your girlfriend can't control her hormones and what's happening to her body. Grow up and learn to accept it.
  • tell her your sorry and go find a corner to sit in and wait until she is finished. you can't win this one so don't even try.
  • Be more considerate that she is on her monthly,try not to go out of your way to agrovate her.
  • Keep your mouth shut! This method works well for my husband and I.
  • Duck. It may be "her fault", but you can be damned sure you will get the blame, whatever it is. This is why men have sheds.
  • Be as nice as you can it can be hard on some ladies and let her know that it's not an excuse to abuse you or anyone else.
  • For those 3-5 days keep your mouth shut. But don't forget, make a list of the things that she does that are unacceptable. After she is back to normal, don't attack her with the list, but subtlely make notes to her. Like, "...not like last week when you... that really hurt my feelings..." Thats the safest bet. If that doesn't work confront her. It is an excuse to a point, but even if you had a really bad stomach ache for 3 days; it would be an excuse for you to be short with people, but not outright mean.
  • Buy her some midol or advil, some girly gossip magazines, and get her a warm pack or something, makes some of the pain go away and make us less cranky. I personally just sleep during my rag and eat salty snacks (I crave it and my body lacks sodium) Some cuddling helps too,
  • In all honesty, this is something that has no REAL answer. It blows being on a period! Try to be understanding. But don't say anything stupid, like "is it bad?" "i bet it hurts" or "man, you're being a 'butthead'" that will get your head bitten off! lol. No offense, but suck it up my friend! There's not too much you can do about it.
  • I feel your pain man.
  • roll her over in the clover, roll her over, lay her down and do it again.
  • I'm a girl & hate when women use their period as an excuse to be a mega bitch. However, if you say that to her, it will most likely get her all fired up. So, sorry pal, you just need to bit your tongue.

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