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  • Find out what interests her. If it is something you might be interested in, check it out. Either she will see you in a new light or you will have expanded your universe with this new interest. Either way you win.
  • Be her friend.
  • You should join the club.
  • Find out what interests her. If it is something you might be interested in, check it out. Either she will see you in a new light or you will have expanded your universe with this new interest. Either way you win.
  • Don't be "in her face" but when you see her tell her she looks nice and keep walking. When you see her again say something like ,"still looking good" and keep on walking...she will appreciate the fact you notice her but your not pushy. Good Luck!
  • too late 4 that
  • Just talk to her. Try to be cool (meaning not awkward) and just let her get to know you. This is coming from a girl so trust me this works usually.But if it doesn't work she's probably missing out on a great guy (as a friend or more).
  • thanks i needed that
  • Move on.
  • i can't move on
  • Move on!!! In time, she might see what she was missing out on, but don't hold out for someone who isn't going to return your affections. Find someone who cares about you for you!
  • Well dude... I'm not going to say a couple of inspired words that make sence together and that will make you feel a lot better... I'm just going to tell you that you're not the only one... I hope it works out between you and her, cuz i know the pain that you are feeling a bit too well.. Sorry if this answer didn't help..
  • yeah I say move on,,, life is too short to be wasting your time, on some one who dont like you,, or care about you..
  • You really have just two options. Go after her, and put all your mental energy and focus in obtaining her, or get over it and move on. It really depends on how much you want this girl. If you do decide to go after her, don't do it in a creepy stalkerish way. Be assertive but don't be aggressive, be cool but don't play games with her. Don't be afraid to ask her out or for her number. If she says no, don't show that you're too upset, she's going to be paying a lot of attention to how you react if she rejects you. All you, or anyone else can do for that matter is try.
  • Forget about it...Like that Italian guy says.
  • Look the three other directions where she is not at and you will find another one. Mr Bill
  • Move on...
  • I had the same problem. Met a girl while back through school. Started to hang out, became a good friend. So ...i asked her out, and she said yes. We went out a few times, but things never seemed right. I put my heart into it cause i really liked her, but I nerv recievd the same affection i was putting foward. :/ So, later I found out she was never interesed in haveing a boyfriend, ......this I found out through a "friend." So I till purseud her...but kept my distance (you dont want to seem like a stalker...or crazy)That would be BAD. But after a while......I just accepted the fact she dident feel the same way. Still friends with her, and still really like her. It kinda But there are alot of fish in the sea, just gotta look. My advice, just let things happen, dont force anything. And if ita ment to be..itll be. And if not.. GO FISHING
  • Move on.
  • It looks like you only have one choice...youre gonna have to rape her :-(
  • just have to look elsewhere. It really is that simple.
  • Get rich, then she'll love you. That's your only hope I guess. Good luck!
  • can't win them all. you probably aren't her type. so your choices come down to.. do you want to pretend you are someone you're not? or find someone else who likes you just as you are?
  • Keep on going down the road...
  • either hope you grow out of liking her or you find a way to grow on her.
  • Zach has this girl told you she doesn't like you? Or do you perceive this somehow? If she has directly asked you to stay away then do so. Otherwise just be friends with her, if you can, and remember that you are you and really you do deserve someone who likes you for who you are.
  • okay, welll coming from a girls point of view i say the more she knows you care, the more she'll consider liking you or maybe even like you. girls suck and it sucks when someone doesn't like you but girls love the fact that they have someone that likes them and sometimes they like that guys company so much that they'll like you back. if you want it, give it your all. be her friend, make her laugh, don't make her feel bad that she doesn't feel the same way cause you can't help who you like, but make sure she knows how you feel and then thats all you can really do besides be there for her by being by her side and making it known that you're a good guy. the nice guy doesn't always finish last, i say go for it if she means this much to you.
  • let it go
  • i love you sara..... listen to her man. forreal i know sara on a personal level and she is the most amazing girl you will ever meet in your entire life. she has helped me more times than i can remember. and she is a fox if that matters:) but zack i like sara and she doesnt like me back but i try to deal. Like i bet you feel like she is the only girl out there for you. If you feel that way than dont give up on her yet. If she is that special to you dont give up on her. i have been trying on sara for 2 months now and yet to win this game. Just continue talking to her and maybe one day she will like you P.S. I love you so much sara. your my favorite person in this entire world and you know i care about you and i would do anything for you. Hopefully are words helped this poor poor zack kids life. Well i will see you lata zack.
  • get over her and just b friends
  • i will guess your a young man? that being said you are shy(so am i) but remember if she rejects you it is better she dose it now and not after you have wasted any more time. so mabey just faceing her and askinig is too tough, see if she would like to get some coffee, see a movie, ect...(depending on your age i am sure you will think if something appropriate) and while there stear the conversation into how you like her(gently dose it, dont just say it, explain it) and see if she returnes the affection. if not then you have lost nothing, if she dose then you have succeded. i can only give 3 points so you are still negitive. good luck!!
  • So you are bisexual? You said you have an amazing boyfriend, Kevin. Why would you be so worried about someone else?
  • Yeah i would just take a number lol. However i think ive been where you are right now and its not as easy as people say. My thing was that she was dumped and was treated like crap, but she still liked him, and i knew i could treat her better. But you know what, oh well, im still hoping she realizes that i was more than she thought.
  • ask her out man just dance just just dance

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