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  • yeah, you should LEAVE HIM RIGHT NOW!!!
  • What part of "dangerous psycho" don't you understand?
  • Leave him. Call the police if he bothers you.
  • Having a jealous partner always INTENSIVELY SUCKS, for both parties. Hitting a partner should never be forgiven.
  • get rid of him...
  • Your boyfriend is an abuser. You should press charges when he hits you and then break things off for good. He's prison bound, one way or another. Someone is going to press charges on him sooner or later, if he doesn't really injure someone first.
  • If he hits you, you are not being a baby, you are being abused. Leave him. His jealously has more to do with his own feelings of inadequacy and lack of ability to deal with it like an adult rather than anything you do at all. If you do leave him, he still won't learn, and will do this to the next girl he happens to snare in his trap.
  • Dump this @$$hole NOW. The abuse aimed at yourself will only continue, and get worse as time passes. I went through the same thing with my first husband, so I know what you're going through. Don't stay with him, I swear you'll be sorry if you do.
  • just get over it. you should submit yourself to his every desire. give up all your friends other than him because he is what matters. stay home and only leave to buy groceries when he tells you. and stop going on the internet because you are liable to get advise from people who think he is mistreating you in some way because they do not understand. you might even see someone like me say : GET THE HELL OUT!!! dump his worthless insecure abusive ass and find a real man. from how you talk you need counceling to build up your spine and quite possibly a firearm because he clearly has no problem getting physical. listen to miranda lamberts "gunpowder and lead" unless you are fine ending up dead from domestic violence say goodbye because it only escalates.
  • u need to end it he is an abuser
  • Have you thought about killing him in his sleep. This guy doesn't deserve to live if what you're saying is true.
  • your question wasput under the category ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS for a reason. you should be able to talk to whomever you want. he should be able to trust you and he obviously doesn't. what he does is ridiculous and absurd. he obviously has some major issues. get out of that relationship before its too late.
  • Get the guts to leave him.He's a nut.If he bothers you after your breakup,call the police.
  • Just overlook his controling, excessive, bullying abusive behavior if he has a cool car.
  • You should leave him! No question. And if your scared to leave him there are always programs to help like abused women and children or you can always just call the police. He is a control freak and he will only get worse. I'm sure you don't want to waste your time with that. Even if you think you love him, bite your lip and get out. He could seriously hurt you one day. Before your know it you will wake up in the hospital and you wont even know what you did wrong....
  • This shows that he loves u, but on a serious note it sound like an obsession with u and an insecurity with himself...Hurting people over u is showing danger signal!is not like u cheated on him.... Tell him(not arguing) that he should respect your freedom..listen to the real reason he does that......and meet in the middle on what to do. hope this helps......
  • You should kick your boyfend to the corve. do not let that guy hit you or dominate you. Get away from him and stay away from him. He cares nothing about you at all. He is using you as a slave and has no respect for you either. Break it off as soon as you can. Do not let him or any other guy ever hit you again. call the law and have them arrested. You are meant to be cherrished as a mate and not a battering bag. Respect and love yourself by leaving him. there is another that will cherrish you out there.
  • the rule is leave him if he hits you,it's a good rule,
  • No. He is being a baby. Get rid of this guy as soon as you can. Behavior like his tends to escalate as time goes on.
  • Dump the childish, cowardly twat.
  • Your BF is lucky he isn't in jail right now for assault!
  • Get out of that relationship. I dont know if u know of the Power & Control cycle: First there is the 'explosion' followed by the 'remorse' (Oh, i'm sorry honey, i shouldnt of done that blah blah blah) Then its: The 'Buy Back' stage, where they will buy you flowers or take you out for dinner Then the 'Honeymoon period' - everything is fine Then the 'Build up stage' - You can feel it starting again Then the 'Walking on egg shells' Back to the start 'Explosion' Sometimes in extreme Domestic Violence situations it is just the 'Walking on egg shells' and the Explosion - none of the other stages. For this cycle to occur the Persecutor needs a Victim. Unfortunately for the persecutor to cease this behaviour they need to recognise it and work on their self. The Victim also needs to recognise they are being abused. It is unhealthy and dangerous. You need to take responsbility for you. Honour yourself and get out of this relationship. For you to come on her and ask the question you have asked speaks volumes in itself - you recognise something is 'not right'. The people who are abusive usually isolate you from everyone and everything over time.
  • You should leave him the first time he hits you. Do not give him the opportunity to do it again. Pack your bags, and go somewhere safe. Seek help.
  • I'd get over him!!! Ditch!
  • The category for this is abusive relationships, that should be you first hint that this is not right. It's okay to be a little jealous, it helps relationships, but this is not good. You need to get out now rather later. Someone like this is not going to change for some time. You deserve better. Your not being a baby, but you need to be the bigger person and get yourself to safety, and like Mrs.Anonymous said, if he bugs you after the break up get to safety and call the police.
  • You get hit your friends get pushed and you think you are being a baby??? if this is love then it can't be a good thing.
  • If you don't like this kind of treatment from him can you imagine what he would be like if you married him? He is an abuser. You do not treat someone you care about like he treats you. Go find yourself a boyfriend that will treat you with kindness and respect. You deserve much better than this jerk is dishing out. Having someone jealous of you in this degree is not a compliment to you it is evidence of what a control freak he is.
  • Your B/F HITS you and you are still with this low life SOB ? You need to ditch his slimmy, no good azz and ASAP ... NO ONE has the right to hit you , PERIOD. He deserves to have his azz in Jail .. where someone will hit him or make him drop the soap ... Also; He has NO RIGHT to tell you who you can be friends with etc ... He does NOT own You .... YOU are NOT a piece of property ... Kick this no good loser to the curb ... NOW !!
  • Don't get over IT...Get over him! Tell him to take a hike...Upoi don't have to put up w/ that kind of shit...(THATS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS)
  • Oh my gosh! Get out of that relationship girl! He should never EVER hit you or your friends. That is just relationship abuse! Save yourself and get out of that relationship.
  • Get over him. Do not allow physical abuse. Have nothing further to do with this rat bastard!
  • Sorry to tell you but you guys are not good match. Why do you do that when it pisses him off and than he has no control.
  • Leave this sick fuck ASAP. He doesn't deserve you, and you certainly don't deserve to be abused.
  • first he has a control issue whieh is not good. Secondly he's abusing you . It't time to get out. LOVE and abuse do not go together. TRust me when I say it will get worse. No man has a right to control and /or hit any women no matter what the women does. Call a DV hotline and they can help you get out.
  • Well, idk, we can't say much cuz we don't really know the whole story. But your boyfriend is definitely being a big douche about it.
  • the boys a douche ditch and goodbye police if necessary that is just rediculous people like him shouldnt be allowed to live overprotective wankshaft is all i see in that "relationship"
  • I think its him thats being the baby.i have a friend that is going thru the same thing and they broke up...but now she wants to go back to him.he is jealous because of me and her other friend...because she hugs and talks to us i think u should get out now before he does some harm to u or 1 of ur friends.
  • no you should not get over it. you should get rid of him now!!!
  • I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you that his behaviour toward others is not normal. I will also tell you that his behaviour towards YOU is wrong! There is NEVER a reason for him to strike you (or for you to strike him) Every person interacts with members on the opposite sex on a daily basis. Some of these people will become friends. If he expects you to not have ANY guy friends he is not living in the real world. Like I said, I can't tell you what to do, but if I were you I would leave him and never look back. You can find someone who you can love and who will love you AND respect you.
  • Sounds like you may be co-dependent on him. I had a bad relationship , well at the time I thought it was good. When I was a teen, I went out with a very controlling guy and thought it was love. NOT! He would not let me shop with my friends . Had to let him know where I was all the time. Get out now. You can do better. You will only lose your peace of mind if you stay. Get courageous and bold and get out. This is such an unhealthy relationship. You have been warned and all these people care that you get out and are in a healthier relationship.
  • Cutting straight to the heart of the matter: The real issue is his ability to trust in your ability to say "no" toward any other person he fears you may have a "chemistry" with. This is a matter of fear and trust. An old rock song sings "Hold on Loosely, but don't let go, if you cling too tightly, you're going to lose control". He's hurting the relationship acting like that. He needs to feel secure within himself before he can be a positive influence in your life. He needs to get a little objectivity in his life. This may be a co-dependence situation, which is unhealthy.
  • yes, you should do something. you should get ot of this abusive relationship immediately. Your b/f is not only possesive, but he is violent and obsessive. this is the perfect combination for severe physical abuse in teh future.
  • No... You're not being a "baby"... It's really that bad. Dump the punk. ANY guy with that type of jealousy and rage enough to not only pick fights with your guy friends and then to hit YOU, is EXTREMELY dangerous, controlling, and violent. I don't understand why you are still with him (other than the typical "but I love him". WHY? Because he hits you? Because he won't let you have male friends? Because he probably controls other parts of your life? Please find someone who is secure in himself, and his relationship with you, and who TRUSTS you enough to let you have friends (male or female). Yes... You should do something. LEAVE HIM. From my profile, here are some questions and answers I've given and seen on AB that have a LOT of information about abuse, and a poem that hopefully will make you think seriously about leaving. Are women who continually date men who are abusive, or put up with abuse, or make excuses for the guy, naive? Can they really not see the signs or just don't know what to do? Or do they think it's "love"? - Signs of abuse, even early on - and (controllers) Signs of abuse, and what to do - Would you stay with a guy that dont treat you right just becouse you love him? - (Mostly assuming abuse:) See poem, and below, also. (Search for "abusive relationship".) Just to make you think about abuse: A poem © 1992 by Paulette Kelly I Got Flowers Today I got flowers today. It wasn’t my birthday or any special day. We had our first argument last night, and he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn’t mean the things he said because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today. It wasn’t our anniversary or any other special day. Last night, he threw me into a wall and started to choke me. It seemed like a nightmare. I couldn’t believe it was real. I know he must be sorry because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today, and it wasn’t Mother’s Day or any other special day. Last night, he beat me up again. If I leave him, what will I do? How will I take care of my kids? What about money? I’m afraid of him and scared to leave. But I know he must be sorry because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today. Today was a very special day. It was the day of my funeral. Last night, he finally killed me. If only I had gathered enough courage and strength to leave him, I would not have gotten flowers today.
  • You should get over it... right after you dump this abusive, controlling asshole.
  • You already know the answer to this. Get out of this relationship ASAP. He is dangerous.
  • your not a baby you should LEAVE HIM
  • Hi,please understand that if someone loved you,they would never hit or threaten you.If they do then they don't respect you or love you.You know what to do.I have been through this in my life and I could tell you things that would make you sick!!!!Now that I'm older I want to help others.Please tell him how you feel and that you won't tolerate his behavior.He is a very weak person,be strong and tell him you won't tolerate it.Stick to it,you must be strong.If he doesn't respect you and your friends,get rid of him.God Bless
  • I think your best option would be to leave your boyfriend no matter how hard it seems. He isnt' a great person and if he is that controlling over your life, think of how much worse it could get later on. Right now he is controlling you hanging out with guys. What if later on he starts to get worse and soon you can't have any friends? It's better to leave now before it gets worse. No one deserves abuse and you'd be better off with out him.
  • DUMP HIM jealous guys=insecurity to an unhealthy level=something you don't want to put of with the rest of your life
  • Hey first of all there is no way in hell that he should ever hit you and especially not for hugging a friend guy or girl, second you should never ever keep dating someone if they disrespect your friends especially like that because when he is gone all you will have is your friends and your family and if this keeps up I dont know how long you will have the friends, third any one who is that jealous that does not trust you enough to just talk to another guy then he has serious issues and needs to go deal with them. You are better than him and can do so much on your own it is not your fault and you are not a baby you are starting to understand that what he is doing is wrong and you should feel proud of yourself for that and I am sure that you will feel even better later on if you leave him.
  • your bf is jelous ! u either face him , or leave him . its best u do that , to avoid a bad relationship .
  • If you don't know this is a bad relationship and you have to actually wonder if you're being a baby by being 'hit', maybe he knocked some brains out of your ear. You should go find them before they dry out.

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