• Wow, she's big. This one can be rough, because Ursula has massive offensive attacks that are tough to avoid. Use the newfound Mermaid Kick ability to get around to the back of her head and attack from there, which puts Sora out of range of her elemental breath and nasty inhalation attacks. Aero magic also helps here, since it ups the party's defense, and make sure Sora has the Cure spell hotkeyed. Ursula is big, flashy, and dangerous, but a persistent, aggressive strategy can take her out soon enough.
  • she turns to face you, but she stops when she attacks, so swim around her then.
  • If your having troubles beating her other then getting to the back off her head i just did a few simple attacks on her at the beggining and then swam around the outskirts of the pool thing and let donald and goofy get at her, eventually they'll wear her done quit a bit and her attacks will get stronger, this is were you want to come in and through a few blows at her head. Make sure you have a couple of potions just for back up.
  • Make sure you're not locked on to her as you're swimming, as this will alter the direction you are swimming in. Let your party members wear her down a bit until she gets to the point where she says something like "Time to teach you some respect!" and she'll make a lightning circle. Make sure you're on the outside edge when this happens so you don't get struck, but immediately afterwards she'll pause for a moment and you can use this to swim behind her and go towards her neck - when moving to the back don't use mermaid kick as it will get you off course, you're more likely to get to where you want if you swim normally. Now lock on and hit until she turns around to face you again (do NOT go near her mouth or she'll eat you and instant death). Now mermaid kick around the edges some more until the next time she does the lightning circle, repeat until dead.

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