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  • If you really feel this way please seek help. I don't know what is available to you in the U.S but here in the U.K we have The Samaritans and various other helplines people can call for support and unbiased help.
  • i would suggest to jaust look at the news or take a walk and look around you. See that there are thousands of people worse of than you. Instead of thinking about all the wrong things, yhink of all you have and take for granted: Food, a roof over your head, a shower, a warm bed. Ignore the human world around you, have sundowner on a hill if possible and look at the colours. The only thing more beautiful than a sundowner is the sun coming up and a new day that may change everything. And in the end: You can never fall further than into God's ahnds!!! :):):):) Realy hope this might help a bit!?! :) Namaste!
  • Pray. Have faith in yourself. All I can say to give you a ray of hope is that "Dawn ALWAYS breaks after the darkest hour."Hang on. Your family loves you too.
  • Find a reason to live outside of yourself until you can get that spark inside once again. Go help someone, or volunteer, do charity work, assist a friend, just do things that don't directly have to do with you. IN essence you are borrowing someone else's reason to live for awhile. If you believe in God, pray about it, your ignorance, your hopelessness and accept any answer.
  • Do something for someone else. You are entirely too self-centered and you will not move forward until and unless you stop pitying yourself and get outside and help others. Once you see what real trouble is, what real tragedy is, maybe you'll gain some perspective and also be of usefulness to someone else. Just sitting around wishing you were dead is so useless.
  • Elinor, you are a beutiful person, so sensible and kind, no one would never ever touch you, even with a flower... don't feel like this. You have more in the nail of your last finger than that stoopid thugh. you have to think better of your self, or no one will, and you deserve to be threaten with respect, and to have near someone who really apprectiates you... and for that, you have to think better of your self, nor depending by the cuddles of anyone.
  • Hey, thats not you! A life cannot end. It only exists. The body given to you is just a support to your vibrant soul. If you only think for a while, you'll realise everything arround you exists because of you. You are a marvellous creation: whatever you are! Remember that we humans are first spiritual beings and then humans. We have got gifts that we don't realise. We understand it later. Do you know that you are do miracles? If surprised, great, happy realisation. Until now you have only thougt about things that has end and remember end is simply another name for new begining. Take a piece of paper and write down the way you want your life to be. What do you.... money, relationship, spouse, happiness, wealth... anything. Just write it on a piece of paper and imagine that life. Take your thought out of unbelief and believe. You were born of belief and now you exist because of belief. Make your life and believe me you'll be sucessful. Remember, lastly, You get everything you want and you creat and partake in the universe. You are precious and love. Love your self and the world will love you... Love you :) Ritesh

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