• For the most part, alimony is history. When it is allowed, it's generally temporary. If the wife doesn't work outside the home during the marriage, temporary support allows her time to find a job. I don't have a problem with that or with granting temporary alimony to a man in the same situation. I do, however, think that in this day and age, alimony should not be granted on a permanent basis.
  • Alimony is bullshit. (Child support is mostly bullshit too. ) Alimony, i can see if you gave up a career to be with him- Only for a limited time, while you get back on your feet. Less than a year. But the same should apply to the ex-husband.
  • Imagine the following scenario: Man & woman fall in love, get married. Both have college degrees. She works to support them both while he attends ____ school (medical, law, engineering, whatever) for five, six, seven years. Following his graduation, he assumes his rightful position in the community as a HUGE wage-earner, knocking down say, $150,000 a year. After three or four years, he decides he wants a newer, younger wife. Divorces his wife. She has not worked now in several years and if and when she returns to the work force, her earning capacity will not be anywhere near his, although she helped put him in that wage bracket. You don't think she deserves everything she can get from him? I do!! I think she should be awarded alimony for as many years as she was willing to contribute to his well-being and then some, despite the fact they never had any children. Each case is different and should be awarded and judged on its own merits. But to say women should not be awarded alimony based solely on her having no children and her ability to work is just ridiculous.
  • Every situation is different, there is a place for alimony in the divorce settlement for some couples. It depends on the specific circumstances -- that's why we have judges. I say this as someone who is on the "wrong end" of the money pipe... while I think I'm not getting a fair deal, I do think a fair deal is possible and there are cases where alimony is appropriate.
  • No, I don't feel automatically entitled to alimony for exactly the reasons you've stated. I am separated (we were married for 9 years, no children) and never dreamed of asking for alimony. Not even for the 2 years I was unemployed and basically survived (barely) on small loans and every kind of odd job under the sun. It didn't even occur to me apply, though I was told I could have. It just didn't seem right to me. We made our choice and went our separate ways. End of story. Great question!
  • why that sounds like the most retarded thing I've heard today. Why should someone have to support me just because he WAS married to me? Who's to say I shouldn't have to support him? Who made up this law? Probably the femanists right. omg. what a mess.
  • I agree, child support is one thing but alimony went out with Beaver Cleaver. Come on women, if you want to be in the drivers seat then drive.
  • I've never agreed with alimony. Taking care of your children is one thing. Taking care of your EX?! I just don't get it!
  • Well because woman give up their dreams and careers to be a home stay wife for their husbands, while the man is supporting her,and they both agree to this, so she should have the right for alimony but in the end is up to the judge
  • The only time I'd agree with alimony for an independent woman with no children would be if she had given up a career to build the home or support her husband and her skills had lost market value. Then I think alimony should be sufficient to provide both support and retraining, but for a limited time.
  • Personally, I think alimony is a joke. Child support is one thing, but if you are capable of earning an income, there is no reason why you should be paid alimony. Handicapped people work and get by. I know 2 women who receive alimony who swear that they will never remarry simply because they get paid just to wake up every morning!! I guess if you can live with yourself for doing this, than power to you. I personally have been divorced, I receive little child support, my ex-husband cheated on me. I picked myself up off the ground, I was working 3 jobs at one time just to make ends meet, but you know what, I'm the stronger one after it is all said and done. I'm a fighter and SURVIVOR and proud of it!!!
  • It really depends on why the marriage ends and who works during the marriage. If a man wants his wife to be a stay at home mom with kids, then shes gone x amount of years not working, can you imagine how hard getting a job would be? That would be temporary support from the husband, its HIS fault shes in that scenario. OR if the husband cheats on her, she should suck him dry of any money he has.
  • It would depend on the situation. With me, my ex and I had no children together, but I supported him the first 4 years we were married so he could finish getting his degree. Then, after he finished, we had agreed that I could finish mine. But, every time I tried to go back to school, he came up with some excuse for me not to go. Then, after almost 10 years of marriage, he got another woman pregnant and when we divorced, I asked for alimony because I had supported him during the marriage so he could finish school. I asked for alimony so that I could work part time and finish my schooling.
  • I have never agreed with seeking alimony. Child support is a very different matter. From what I've seen, women or men who seek alimony usually do so to punish the other person.
  • How about this one....I support our child and pay him alimony. He quibbles over every purchase for our son because he is suppose to kick in half of the costs. The child was not suppose to get new notebooks or pencils for school because dear old dad didn't want to kick in the cash. I do not include him with any of the costs. Luckily for me, the dirtbag is getting married soon and the spousal support ends. Oh and by the way I only make 15k more than him. I have all the insurance for our son and all the expenses. He gets to jet set off to any where he pleases because I have custody 24/7. I would have gladly supported our son BUT to pay him on top was crappy to say the least.
  • I'm a lady and I agree with you on that one. One solution - Pre-nup, if she's not after your money she'll agree. Me and my bf make the same money so no conflict here.
  • Under certain circumstances yes. If I were unable for one reason or other to adequately support myself and so I could get training that would enable me to do so.

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