• dont look at what you are about to do and dont think about it
  • Surely the whole point of a rollercoaster is to feel scared? That's part of the fun! If feeling scared isn't your bag maybe you just shouldn't go on rollercoasters.
  • The fear you're experiencing is probably just your anticipation of the exhilarated feeling you expect to have afterwards! I mean, come on! No one is holding a gun to your head to make you ride the roller coaster. Right? So, if you're scared, you don't have to ride. Right? Oh, but you love it and you can't make yourself stay away . . . I say ride in the front car baby, with your hands held high! RIDE and ENJOY!
  • Don't do it!!! That's what I do.
  • Overcome your fear and ride it. It's part of the mad adrenaline rush you get! Don't worry about it getting stuck or whatever, because that doesn't happen very often and if it does, it's very unlikely that anything bad will happen to you. Trust me on that, because I've been on a stuck rollercoaster before. It was really pretty funny. lol. Rollercoasters are how I got over my fear of heights =) Once you ride it, it's nothing to ride them, anymore
  • Do it over and over again. The only way to overcome the fear response is to condition yourself to it. If you can't possibly get on the rollercoaster even once you might try virtual reality. Or a ride that scares you almost as much as the coaster. While on the coaster, you can keep your equilibrium by holding the back of your head against the seat and focusing your eyes on something far away like a cloud or the ground.
  • Wear a blindfold.

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