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  • Hell no I wouldn't believe him,especially after I saw what the message said. Your husband has no business text-messaging other women. Confront him and tell him its either her or you,and that he can't have you both. Good luck.
  • Yes I would believe it is her who is the heart for his soul. At least he better hope she is.
  • but i have to say the texting and calling for hours makes me very suspitius about him....(not saying something is going on though)
  • Believe him about what?? That he didn't send the text message?? That he doesn't talk for hours on the phone to her each day?? He has done both. Of course something is going on. He's lying and cheating. Kind regards
  • believe him that nothing was going on? NO. I mean maybe he hasn't cheated but what he is doing isn't right when you are married
  • Something's going on. Do I believe him? No. I would rather my wife sleep someone she just met than have feelings for someone else and not act on it. Cheating in the heart hurts more. I think that's what your husband's done.
  • No I would not believe him :)
  • Of course not.
  • SOUNDS like there's an emotional affair going on, at least. THAT doesn't mean he doesn't love you or wants to leave you for her. Just that he may feel you're not giving him the emotional support he needs (or maybe HE'S not giving YOU the emotional support). It doesn't matter if I believe him or not. What matters is what YOU believe. And, if you have problems believing him, then it could be a death-knell for the marriage. You must decide what you believe is right, in this situation. Be careful about taking advice from people who don't know you or the situation, as many of them may have been hurt in the past by similar situations. There ARE people who HAVE made it through these... indescretions. You can too, if you both work at it. Good luck. ;-)
  • Never.
  • ARE YOU SERIOUS? Step back...........way back! Take a deep breath, now slowly let it out! . . Read.........what you just asked! There, do you see the answer? Sorry, but you already know, you don't need anyone to tell you what you can sooooooo clearly see. . I'd tell him to take a flying leap off his text!
  • Not in a million years.
  • He's cheating on you. Whether it's only emotionally or both physical and emotional. He's cheating, he shouldn't be that connected to another woman. I would confront him or confront the other woman.
  • I would believe what he wrote. He's probably lying to both of you.
  • He's cheating on you and using you for stability (either emotionally or financially) until he feels bold enough to leave you. Kick him to the curb. You deserve WAY better.
  • wow, you are going through the same thing i am only the other girl is married too. i also have found some sexual text messages on his phone and she feed into it so much so i do believe he is emotionally involved and her husband doesnt know either. so my advice is if you want to stay and work it out then do it, but if he doesnt stop talking to her then i would kick him to the curb because it could lead to more.
  • I wouldn't.
  • Several yrs ago I found a #-then a year later I found that # constantly on the phone bill. 1st thing when he got up & last thing before he went to sleep. We were happier then we had been for yrs! He said it was just a phone thing-I beleived him! Now 2 yrs later I found the same girls #-i just spent 5 hrs-talking woman to woman with her. Not bashing him. But finding out the truth! I did find out my husband cheated-it was with a women he said he never met.just talked to on the phone-she made him feel good-we just worked...together. We own a buisness-have 3 kids-i was there when there was nothing! I have been devoted & loyal! Found out about her-forgave him-now almost 2 yrs later it has started again. I fought for hi-then realized-I'm not the only one getting hurt here! Neither of us deserves this! He's the liar! He feels no remorse! Then I txted her we talked for 5 hrs-sure she could tell me ANYTHING-but I feel she told me the truth-he has met her-he flew her in when he was out of town-he bought us both Tiffani's bracelettes-same time-different occasions-he did it once-he'll do it again! And I am proof!My kids know nothing! They see mommy & daddy as loving parents & we show our love for each other in front of them-or what I thought was "our love". We would walk into a room & people would comment on "the love" that brightened the room-Lies! All lies! He had it good for a while-but no more! Neither one of us deserve this & my kids don't deserve this! She's even a nice girl-i hate that he has broken both of our hearts & my kids-they will get hurt the most because of this!
  • Its called an emotional affair. Its the worst of all because its from the deepest part of your heart. I don't know if he slept with her or not, but it could lead to that. Remember when a man falls for a woman it doesn't matter if he has a wife or children, love is powerful and men loose their minds for that feeling, they will throw away their families for it..Be aware... Good luck..
  • whats to believe? u read the text. thats what u believe.
  • I recently found out my husband been calling AND texting another lady for ONE YEAR. He calls her obsessively and vice versa. I literally broken down and almost died when I found out. I doesn't matter if there's nothing going on; when you talk and text each other on a daily basis for one year, you bond to develop feelings for one another. If you don't and if it's just friends, you don't need to talk to each other several times a day on a daily basis. You have to be thinking about that person enable to talk for long periods of time. If he wants the marriage to continue, he needs to STOP that sh *T and do not pick up OR reply to her texts PERIOD!!! If he continues with this, then you have your answer. It is NOT necessary for him to call her and talk to her for long period of times. If he respects you and your marriage, he would stop all communications PERIOD and do NOT let him tell you otherwise. You are suppose to be the heart of his soul, he married you NOT her!
  • I would have to say that either something is on the way to happening or all ready has....I have been through this before and I took it apon myself to find out by texting find out something had def. all ready happend
  • While he is sleeping i would take his phone and text her saying somehing racey and see what she says, then make a decision
  • I agree with the girl thats # 9 on here
  • you need to have a serious and long discussion with him about his intentions and goals for YOUR relationship ...
  • no you should not believe him. it there is nothing going on there could be real soon that is how my husbands affair started texting and talking on the phone hours a day. make him stop it before you are hurt so much worse.

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