• Well I would say its about damn time someone like Sally can paint a house that quick! Gimme her number so I can hire her, does she work weekends?
  • How many coats of paint? Are they using a primer?
  • 4 hours because sally would tell john to take his lazy ass home cause she can do i faster and get it done on time.
  • Are you going to tell us??? =oD
  • OK, now it's time for a real answer. I hope that's what you were looking for. Sally paints houses at the rate of 1/4 house per hour. John paints houses at the rate of 1/6 house per hour. Adding 1/4 + 1/6 gives you 5/12. So together they paint 5/12 of a house in one hour. To paint one house together, it will take them 12/5 of an hour, or 2 2/5 hours, or 2 hours and 24 minutes. [Former math major.]
  • to long because everytime sally does something john will fuck it up. so eventually she has to stop working and beat the shit out of john, go to court, get the verdict in, and then paint it again because the winter has killed the paint job she started.
  • Sally's a woman so John will be painting it the wrong colour, even if he does what she asked him to
  • About 4 hours if Sally doesn't stop for lunch. John's taking his butt and going out to the bar. John hates painting. See Sally paint, See John run.
  • Forever, they can't agree on a color.
  • sally is a unemployed immigrant & john is a teamster - who do you think will work harder?
  • Including the time spent in marriage counseling, 14 years.
  • Way too long because they are gonna get in each other's way. Then they are gonna run into each other and spill their paint. They'll have to stop and clean up all the paint before it dries! They are better off painting the house by themselves. Tell your teacher that!
  • This is a duplicate. However, John is an insanely horny man and Sally is wicked hot. So when John sees Sally, he can't keep his hands off her and, truth be told, she really likes that and the next think you know they end up inside the house and nothing gets done. So the moral of the story is: Give Sally the credit card and send her to the mall if you want anything to get done around the house.

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