• I was prescribed Xanax and I carry them with me all the time just in case I start to feel bad. It has been a several months since I took one. I have been taking one daily Wellbutrin XL for several years, also by prescription.
  • A beer once in a while.
  • A glass of wine.
  • Deep breaths.
  • Pills. Oodles and oodles of pills.
  • Green tea with jasmine, or just green tea. I drink it constantly. It has so many benefits, including calming one down. Have a nice cup of tea :o)
  • i have HORRIBLE anxiety...i take lexapro and clozenpham
  • Bach Flower Rescue Remedy
  • Honestly I take beer for it.
  • anything with at the end: pan in it... loratipan,.... etc, there are all about the same, just don't drink any alcohol but a couple of drinks with them if at all... they can help but u get dependent on them after awhile!! :( and watch what you eat, and exercise really helps too!
  • I take a hit.
  • I prefer to think out solutions and contingency plans to my worries. Which have served me well. When not. I pray.
  • If you suffer from them often or are bad when you get them, speak to your doctor. There are a lot of drugs made to treat this. Sertraline (Zoloft) Paroxetine (Paxil) Fluoxetine (Prozac) Venlafaxine (Effexor) Diazepam (Valium) Alprazolam (Xanax) Lorazepam (Ativan) Just to name a few. If they are mild you can try the following: Talking with a supportive person Meditation Watching TV Taking a long warm bath Resting in a dark room Deep breathing exercises Anything relaxing really do NOT take drugs or anything els that will raise your heart rate. Avoid cafeen!
  • If I can't have sex then I have to take a klonopin
  • I am on klonopin every day...also some of my anti-depression meds say they help with anxiety...though I really don't believe that.
  • Meditation. Seriously. I have Panic...and during Panic attacks, meditation helps me control my breathing and mind, and helps me focus on things other than what my anxieties are.
  • a good one hour advice (lecture) from my husband. guess it calms me down. if not him then one of my friends.
  • Try this site for some general advice :
  • I got this medical problem where I have to take anxiety relief medicines on daily basis. It is not serious but I have to take my medicine daily for rest of my life. Medicine I take is Propranonol. Quite useful when I got some public speaking or anything similar. I just take my normal dose and common anxiety symptoms disappear making you look a whole lot more confident on stage.
  • DO NOT TAKE EFFEXOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S WITHDRAWAL EFFECTS ARE HORRID!
  • I'm into resolving the conditions causing anxiety not doping up on substances that mask it.
  • I try and stay away from drugs as I am pretty certain they are what caused it all in the first place... seriously I would become dependent I have a terribly addictive personality so avoid the temptation. Much as it may help I would develop a bigger problem. not to say that is always the case, just my particular example. I desperately try to rationalise and talk about it as much as possible. I also tell people about it. I am not ashamed if I had a broken leg I wouldn't be ashamed and I am not ashamed about who I am. I find it helps if people are prepared for it and know what to look for. That said it doesn't always work that well lol :)
  • Effexer. Simply. Dani's right. so seriously; if you take it- DO NOT MISS A DOSE or you'll end up feeling absolutely insane, suicidal, angry, and sick.
  • Rescue Remedy - you just put a few drops on your tongue and it's an all natural herbal thing. I don't take this personally, but I have heard great things about it, and I do give it to my dog before I take him to the vet (yes it is suitable for humans)
  • Time to breathe.
  • Chunks out of my partner, always helps!
  • Paxil - it worked
  • On the rare occasions I experience anxiety and cannot resolve it on my own..I take a xanax, get a good nights sleep and start fresh in the morning.
  • I use both Rescue Remedy and 0.5mg of Ativan. The rescue remedy takes you down a notch if you feel anxiety coming on and the Ativan will calm you if you're in the midst of a panic attack.
  • anxiety is related really close to deppression there are a lot of similarities between them. If you want to try to do this without a pill sometimes if you freeze and look and evaluate the people around you for some reason or another to make you laugh inside can help you get more comfortable or not. if it dosen't work and you want a pill try an antidepressent cuz they work similarly there is a persscription of 10mg tablets and two a day treat anxiety im speaking from personal experiance and personal confusion. Cipralex is relatively new but it is not addictve and it works really fast!
  • Ativan 1 mg
  • A brisk run. Several heartfelt screams with my face in a pillow. And if I'm lucky, a hug from a loved one does the trick.
  • aside from benzo's (anti-anxiety drugs like klonopin and xanax) kava extract and holy basil are very good. these are natural remedies and may take slower effect, but the risk of addiction is minimal.
  • Rescue Remedy is awesome. Bach has a terrific website with a complete list of different herbal drops/sprays you can order for different conditions. I've ordered several of their herbs along with the bedtime spray. (sometimes I will throw in 1/2 of a 5mg Xanax with the spray...especially on a Sunday night before Monday morning work) Bach is not expensive & their site is a wealth of information. I prefer the herbal also over chemical but also depends on the level of anxiety/stress at the time. I have researchedlots of sites for herbal remedies for natural relief of anxiety and find Bach to be the best. The people that work on that site are super nice also. They gave me a ton of coupons when I last ordered! Sometimes I just don't watch the news or read the paper and that alone gives me relief. I will tune into Nick At Night or some goofy tv show to veg out. Get on the treadmill...turn on reruns of Happy Days and run three miles. won't need any drugs!!!!!!!! lol. Peace... Elle
  • I take zoloft 150 mg, welbutrin 300mg and ativan .5 as needed I was on paxil before but after awhile it didnt seem to work
  • a deep breath and a long walk
  • Bupropion 300mg a day
  • a rum and fresca just one or two..does me just fine
  • Clonazepam (Generic for Klonopin) It works wonders for me.
  • fist fight

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