• Nothing
    • Linda Joy
      Is that how you like it? I know I'm a little thankful I don't have to do all the Christmas hoopla now that the kids are grown.
    • Thinker
      Well as you know I am alone and 80. Have no one to have Christmas with. It is nothing but commercialism now where people go thousands of dollars in debt thinking they are pleasing others. Also Christmas is the take off of the pagan winter solstice and not when Jesus Christ was born. Jesus was born the end of our September or first of October. I haven't celebrated Christmas in many years.
    • Linda Joy
      You didn't really answer my question. I can celebrate the Birth of Jesus every day! And I've never gone in debt for Christmas. I quit buying Christmas ornaments about 30 years ago which is when I started making them. Stringing popcorn and cranberries with family and friends can make lots of good memories! You may not be able to choose your age, but you can definitely choose not to be alone. Scroll down to my comment to Pearl for some suggestions if you want them. I think a celebration in the middle of winter is a great idea!
    • Thinker
      Volunteering just makes thing harder because it takes me out where all the Christmas hoopla is taking place. I would rather stay home to myself. In case you didn't know it I am pretty much a hermit that gets out occasionally.
    • Linda Joy
      So that would be a yes to that's how you like it.
  • nothing since i usually get stuck by nnyself christnnas so i dont bother with it
    • Linda Joy
      Volunteer to serve at a rescue or homeless shelter, or Veterans' or Childrens' Hospital or the Red Cross! Nothing is ever going to change in your life unless YOU change it! And I hope you have the best Christmas ever this year!
    • Pearl Lederman
      i dont have transportation, buses dont run either
    • Linda Joy
      Oh snap! That's right! Don't you have a senior shelter near you? You could spend Christmas with them! You could always come here for Christmas. It'll definitely be warmer than Colorado. Isn't that where you live?
    • Pearl Lederman
      thanks but its too expensive for nne to travel right now
  • Where I live, last year the tree was put up already decorated from the year before, ..what a tangled mess it was! We’ll start fresh this year! So yeah, just the normal stuff.
  • there's a one day I avoid.
    • Cry me a River
      I would if it was up to me,, but yeah it is a pagan holiday

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