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  • Of course it's normal, I don't think I'd ever be able to get over that. If you feel like you're not going to be able to forgive him, it might be time to reconsider the relationship - there's nothing worse than going through life constantly doubting and mistrusting your partner. Good luck with whatever you choose x
  • As a man I can say that sex for a man is not love in itself. A man can love his wife dearly - as I'm sure your husband does you - but be tempted into sex with another woman. Us men are weak in this department thus our vulnerability to 'The Honey Trap' and the thousands of hookers in work. I did what your husband did many years ago and have regreted it for ever. When I explained the above to my wife she began to understand mens over active hormones. All these years later we are happier than ever. I've always assumed she knows I would never fall into this trap again. Perhaps your hubby does as well. Good luck Broken.
  • In 2003 my husband had an affair that lasted 2 yrs. We separated but got back together. We've been back together 4 yrs now and though he has very much expressed his regret and sorrow and has done much to show me he would not do it again, the sad part is that I will probably never fully trust him ever again and the pain still lives in me. Still, I feel I did what was right for my children and as a Christian and a strong believer in the marriage vow, I stand by my husband.
  • If you CHOOSE to FORGIVE him, that would be the first step in the healing process. Your husband bears a huge responsibility to you, by giving you his assurance that you will be able to trust that he will NEVER cheat on you again. Your husband also must not blame you for his infidelity, or make excuses, or try to justify his actions...INEXCUSABLE, often times when a husband blames his wife, he in my view feels completely justified in cheating. Not to forget that as a wife, you have an obligation to your husband as well, in matters related to the 'marriage bed', by not depriving him of intimate relations. Can't get away from human tendencies. It goes to say that if a man or woman is not getting sex at home, it increases the likelihood that one may go outside of the marriage for it, (not to imply that this is such in your case), it just so happens that this is the excuse some husbands or wives assert. You personally need to realize that you will NEVER forget what he has done, and will continue to feel hurt, it is in fact the ultimate betrayal, when the marriage vows are broken. Not to mention the disease risks, the possibility of a child being conceived, and the complete and blatant lack of consideration for you, defiling the marriage bed has a long lasting hurt. To move past this, it helps to be a 'praying woman' a spiritual woman. I think that If you have forgiven him...then it is important that you Never wash his face with it, by continuing to bring it up, in times of anger or disagreements. If you cannot do this, then you can exercise your grounds for divorce. YOU have the grounds. I emphasize forgiveness because if you don't forgive then you have an almost impossible chance of moving forward as a couple. Not to forget the necessity for your husband to APOLOGIZE and make it up to you. As his wife you must do your part, so that you will be free from contributing to him REPEATING that type of conduct. All the best to you!

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