• everytime someone finished a load of laundry they should dump a cup of laundry soap in the empty washer...can't get it out...he will either have to use it or do his laundry elsewhere....
  • I'm not clear on the situation. "Your washer and drier". "Disgusted by the smell" of what-the tenant rinsing their clothing in water and drying them? Has this person given a reason for not using a cleaning agent. Do you have an "obnoxious behavior" clause in your lease? Have you even looked at the lease?
  • Learn, then teach, the basics of pH. Hope this person understands the benefit of pH reversal in order to enjoy clean clothes. It doesn't need to be scientific; perhaps connect with (he, she) on a level you know (he she) would understand. How does one convey to another the concept of "You're NASTY!" When the other doesn't grasp it? I don't know.
  • Since they are your machines advise him that he will no longer be able to use them if he doesnt apply some detergent!!!!!He will have to take his nasty clothes to the local laundrymat !!!!
  • Did you have a tenancy agreement that included that the tenant MUST use detergent in the washer and dryer that the tenant was allowed to use upon signing the lease? No one can force anyone to use detergent if they don't want to. Try and suggest that using soap could help you and only you feel better. Leave the tenant alone to do what he wishes with his own clothing.
  • If the use of laundry detergent is not specified in the lease, there isn't alot you can do about it. Some people have severe allergies and cannot use the products. Without it written into the lease you are pretty much stuck with the situation. I suggest when their lease comes up for renewal, you make that change.

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