• Try to talk to your mom that your dad is an important part of your life and tell her you respect her feelings toward him, but he is still your dad and you need to see him. That if she doesn't want to be around when he comes then so be it but you want to see him.
  • Well your mom has to understand he needs to see his children and if you want to see him she can't stop and if she'll hate you she's pouring gasoline on the bridge. It's not her descision
  • I guess it wont look good on the court date if you arent living with her, she wont get the child support.
  • Unless you are in danger being around him, she has no right to keep you from seeing him. Contact the courts and ask them about getting an advocate. An advocate is a court appointed person who's responsibility it is to look out for your best interests. If you need help doing this, contact an adult you trust (maybe a friend's parent or a counselor) and they might be able to help you get one.
  • i say you have a very SELFISH, JEALOUS ,person for a mom....who does not care about her child and her needs or rights,just her own...ive seen these women all my life....and no one is ever hurt worse by these men and women who ALIENATE their chidren from the other purely for INSANELY ,selfish and jealous reasons..... there is a law now..Parent Alienation.....if a parent can be proven to purposely alienate or trying to alienate, they can lose the child altogether...because it is a proven fact , Parent Alienation is in NO WAY ....whats best for any childs is highly destructive.... i say ,if you want ot see your father,. you have every right....and he has every right to see you.... how old are you?(not that it matters)
  • Just say to her: "I'd like to see how easily you get child support if I'm no longer living here" That oughta shut her up.

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