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  • For a woman it's 8 a man it's 3!
  • Fuck that shit
  • I don't think that's able to be summarized by average. I believe it varies from person to person. I know many women my age (twenties to mid-twenties) that have only had 1 sexual partner, and some that have had 30. I have had 11, whereas I am only my husbands second. I don't think 'normal' is a word that can be used in this scenario.
  • well, an average is an average. you have so many people that are asked a certain number of questions. some are honest, some are not. you might have a lot of people saying they're had sex with 20, 30 or 40, but you might also have a lot of people that are virgins, or have had 1-2 partners. also depends on the age group, religious beliefs etc. i'm sure the "average" might be higher now, but there really is no possible way for a survey to be accurate. certainly not 100% accurate. i don't understand what you mean by what's normal? are you trying to draw a line between the appropriate amount of partners one should have vs an inappropriate amount that would then define someone as a "whore"? i don't understand.
  • Some people do get a lot of sexual partners, because they understand how the dating game works. This usually goes for men, who for the most part, have a low number of sexual partners. Keep in mind that the people I hang with are college students, so 18-24 years old. Most of the men I know are under 5 sexual partners, where me and my golf buddy, are much higher than that. All in all, I would say that the average man has about 3-4 sexual partners. :)

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