• file bankrupcy NOW. It should ,or the attorney you use can advise you on how to avoid jail time for this
  • get it all in front of you-start calling bankruptcy attorneys-just remember that they have seen worse, so get the help you need, and get out from under that pressure
  • Do you have any assets? Sell them. Do you have any income?You should pay the taxes first, even if the cost is losing anything/everything else. If you tried to pay the other expenses as well, they might be current for a while, but if you go to jail they'll soon go unpaid as well. I would call the IRS and see if you can get some sort of payment plan set up to start paying back the taxes. See if they can allow you a payment low enough to still pay at least the mortgage payment so you don't lose your home. Let the rest go delinquent. Taxes and a home are your priorities here. If you cannot get a payment plan low enough to make your mortgage payments, call your mortgage company and see about doing a short sale. You might as well not have that expense if you can't pay it. It hurts, but better to take care of it now than to prolong the pain. And get a second or third job. Any job, whatever will pay the most for your time. If you have kids, see if family members can pitch in and help with the kids while you're working more hours. Other people will probably tell you to file bankruptcy, but you need to decide if this is an income issue or not. If you don't have any or very little income then this is an income issue and bankruptcy won't help. Imagine if you had no debts and no income. Still couldn't get by, right? So make sure there isn't something you can do to increase your income and pay back these debts, even if it takes a very long time. Bankruptcy is very very scarring... emotionally and credit-wise. It can be difficult to even get approved to rent with bankruptcy, and it will stay on your credit for a VERY long time. Even after it falls off, every time you apply for credit you will be asked about past bankruptcies and are legally obligated to disclose it. DON'T fall for any program that promises relief for a fee. These tend to be scams and will put you in a worse place than you're in now. Good luck to you.
  • First, it's incredibly unlikely that anyone but the IRS could have you put in jail, and only rarely then do they do that, so don't cave to pressure from bill collectors. First, if you're being hounded by collectors, write each one a letter demanding they cease phone contact. By law, they have to. Then, make sure the accounts are yours and accurate. Get a copy of your credit report from each of the big three companies (you can do this for free at It's important that your credit history, bad or good, is reflected accurately. Organize your bills. It's said that the accounts with the biggest balances should be paid off first. I'm not a financial advisor, so I can't stand by that. See a credit counselor. Many credit card companies will refer you to a credit counselor. You can discuss the option of bankruptcy. Keep in mind, though, that filing will wreck your credit for several years. Also beware of companies that offer to reduce your monthly payments and debt for a fee. Much of this you can do yourself in talking to your creditors, but charging off accounts can also hurt your credit. Depending on what your rating currently is, that may not matter too much. Good luck and don't let the pressure get to you. This won't last forever and most of us have been there at one point or another.
  • Speak to your State Representative about student loans and the Irs. You could get a stay. As for bankruptcy unless you owe over 20k i'd wait. Ther's no such thing as debter's prison in this country. If you have bad checks however you can be arrested. Ask your State rep for a good local atty. and have a free conultation. Do Not Sign any Agreemaents for them to represent you in the future. If you have to for the free consultation don't worry.You cannot bankrupt out of student loans,IRS bills, or fraud. However you can make payment agreements. Asd for debts. Do the best you can.

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