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  • It means that it's time to discuss an "open" relationship. This is not the attitude of a keeper.
  • IF they dont live with you....then it means they "want to move in with you"... and if they live with you... That they arnt really that committed.
  • i think it means that they were dating someone bad, someone who didnt let them live and kept them cooped up inside somewhere. i would let that person know that you are not like that and that is something you would not do
  • as long as they are putting money in the bank. so if the relationship goes to the next step you can both go out together and pick out the things that you both like instead of being stuck with somthing that is not your taste. my furniture is decent but not expensive and if my lover moves in and doesnt like it i can throw it out and buy new stuff that shes likes because i saved my money
  • it means that they arent slaves to material items, and are willing to make a life where they choose and when they should be proud of them too.
  • I can't understand why someone would be so cavalier about his house, unless he didn't like it or the town. If he can't commit to a home, then obviously he can't commit to a relationship. Usually, if someone's not a good relationship partner, they will tell you so through little admissions like this.
  • They have a shady past, are being chased by bounty hunters, US marshalls, or shadowy characters from their past life and may disappear from your life at any moment. Watch your purse.
  • I think it means, maybe they might be interested in their ex or someone else.

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