• Canadian Embassy website Macdonald House 1 Grosvenor Square London, W1K 4AB Telephone: 0207 258 6600 Fax: 0207 258 6333 Canada House Trafalgar Square London, SW1Y 5BJ Telephone: 0207 258 6421 Fax: 0207 258 6476
  • As a British citizen, you do not need a visa to go to Canada and you have reason to show cause why you should be allowed to remain.
  • I have no idea! I am only writing to commend you for wanting to be with them! That is so awesome! You go dude!
  • get on a plane. it will take you right there. :) one thing i know, the kids will have dual citizenship since you are british. so they can come and visit you at home. one quick way to get permanent status is to marry the mother of your kids. plan b would be to petition for a green card status in canada since you have kids there. canadian immigration laws are pretty laxed from what i hear so it's not hard to get P.R. status there.

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