He's trying to read your mind.
He's use to seeing you close when he gets fed.
He's probably wondering when the party is going to start.
Fish have like, a three second memory. So he's probably thinking, "Wow! What is...Wow! What is...Wow! What is..."
He's waiting for the female fish you were suppose to get him for Christmas
He's in love with you and he's starring at your cleavege
i guess attracted to movement like humans. are you moving around when your fish looks at you?
He is thinking: "I hate you! What am I supposed to do here for the rest of my freaking life!.....this is boring beyond my imagination!"
Ogled by a fish?!?!?!?
a friend
If it has fresh water and food; it probably wondering if it is going to get a New Year's kiss at midnight from the fish next door. :)
I used to have one that would jump right out of the bowl with excitement, when I'd come home from work. I had to put a cover on it, but then I worried he'd knock himself out. He was looking forward to chow time I guess. After he ate, he'd settle into the branches of the plastic plant, so he wouldn't have to work at keeping his ballast.. Ha! Weird little guy. I'll bet your's is look'n for the same.
He's waiting for you to take off that dress.
He's not really a fish. It's a robotic device spying on you set up by your ex-boyfriend.
He wants what every fish wants.... Food.
He is wondering where you have his mate hid under your dress
Maybe he thinks your Noah.
He is trying to figure out what those pictures are you keep looking at on those sites.
I would say he is lonely and looking for a friend. But, He's probably in love with you like all us ABers. Happy New Year.
Don't get upset. The fish is just wondering why you are doing things that it never finds it necessary to do. Like taking a shower or changing clothes. And why you are so different in shape in relation to other fish it knows! The fish is just studying you - to make some sense out of what you are doing. Or what you are upto!
Some fishy kisses, so blow some kisses his way already :)
Another fish? Even fish get lonely and want a companion!
It has no eyelids...
He probably just has good taste and bad manners.:)
It wants in:
When was the last time you fed him?
He wants to switch places with you, for just one day =)
You.Only you.
He is trying to hypnotise you.Give him something to eat!
Your tit!! Drop it in, just a nibble and then you both can get along with your day : )
LOL, they are quite ferocious : )
He wants you to join him for a little swim. :)
He's not sure where HE is, but he knows it's got a great TV - The whole wall of the tank he's in! - and that weird creature he sees on that commercial they seem to run all the time appears to be something that MIGHT be good to eat! LOL
He's wondering how can you breath out of the water.
A girlfriend??
He's waiting for more:
Probably wondering how much longer you can live out of the water.
Mine think any human that comes near their tank should feed them, they will come to top of water and nibble fingers even. Just shake the food can and up from the bottom they come like a
Well, ummm usually when a fish is staring at you it wants FOOD. Or it wants its tank clean or a bigger tank so you have less room to move so you can feel like the fish.
food!!! <><
Hes admiring your good looks maybe?
He has an intricate plan to take over the world and the first step involves you. I would be careful. Those fish can be clever bastards.
He wants you to sing "Down By The Riverside" just one more time.
He's challenging you to a staring contest.
He just wants a hug.
Smile at your fish, it may be stressed.
Food or more oxygen.
He has a passion in his little soul. He desperately wants to act. He wants you to find him an agent that will find him a part in a sequel to Finding Nemo.
A dangerous little girlfriend to call his own :)
He needs a hug!!!
If he'll be excluded from the Disney trip and if he is you may not recognize your house when you get back...
The cat to be found guilty of all charges and immediately banished from the home for the rest of his natural life.
It wants to eat you!
I don't know if he wants anything... but I think he's trying to make you feel uncomfortable. What did you do that would make him want to torture you?
You, obviously!
probably thinking how very lovely you look today! :)
He wants your soul.
Probably a bigger bowl.
He probably wants some shiny gold coins. Please beware that if you give it silver coins it could transform into a bald wombat and eat your children while bathing in a sea of eyeballs and boogers
id say food that or its watchin u like ur watchin it thats what my fish do...
Perhaps he/she keeps thinking the
It's most likely it's the motions you make it is looking at.Fish aren't that smart.
If it jumps out of the bowl and lands on the table and starts singing Footloose, you really should be worried.
Maybe he wants some company, food, more water or cleaner water, or he is just wandering who are you.. :D They indeed have very short memory, so I don't think you should worry.
He's a government agent following your every move :D
Hmmm... Maybe food but no maybe he likes you or he is having a staring contest lol!
Maybe he's hungry.
don't know eat him
Maybe he's a Babelfish, and wants you to stick him in your ear so he can translate for you.
It knows your going to feed him, what type of fish is it, a cichlid?
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