• Ir started early But now it's melting!
  • Moral decline? Human beings will have always and will always be immoral. It's just a question of how well they cover it up. That goes especially for those who pose as very moral and upright!
  • Yes, I firmly believe so.
  • I think mostly people are just realizing how uptight everyone used to be.
  • That depends upon whether you take your morality from a centuries or millennia-old rule book or from a judgement by today's standards. In the past, a woman who had been abandoned by "her man" had pretty poor prospects, especially if she had children. The institution of marriage, and its status as life-long, was a necessary protection for women and children, and ditching your spouse would have been, by and large, immoral. In today's world, when women are, broadly speaking capable of supporting themselves and we have extensive rules for child support, divorce per se is much less likely to be immoral. It is still disgraceful to run out on your children (including unborn ones), but divorce is not of itself immoral. As to porn - apart from the harm sometimes done in the making of it, I see no real problem with adults who want to enjoying it.

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