• No CasperGhostBoy, as you are aware there are many people like you and I on and other sites. Don't let those haters that have come out recently get you down. Bianca (my real doll) and I are very happy together. She loves when I take her out on the town and we even went sky diving recently. To Jimmy G, yes, those are what we're referring to.
  • If I can afford one, I'd keep her in a "secret compartment" in my bedroom where only I have the key. I'd rather "use" her for the real purpose "she" was made for:sexual fantasy, like your own three-dimensional porn star. I'd order interchangeable heads and adjustable skin tone to replicate my favorite porn hotties. And I'd never, ever show her to my friends, family and girlfriend. She's mine and mine alone.
  • If you feel love then it is love. It's the same kind of feeling when you sit down for a steak at your favorite steakhouse - you love that meal, even though it isn't human. That's how I love Cindi, my RealDoll. I love the colder months with her, like right now, when I can spend a day warm in bed next to her. Ahhh, October.

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