• Healthy!!!! There is nothing wrong with a child sleeping with their mother, it seems to be like you are stirring up trouble.
  • it sounds okay with me. there is the floor, and one can make two different sleeping bags, so to speak, on one bag. sometimes, we have to make do. is he sending her child support? she could buy a separate bed to sleep on with separate blankets if they had some extra money. like a camping cot, they can be comfortable.
  • How do you know the mother needs it more than the child? Has the child asked for her own bed and space? Do they have to share a room out of lack of space? Without more information it is hard to know what the story is.
  • you are in a no win. dont get middled b/w ex's and parenting, and sour grapes-just spoil the heck out of her every chance you get.
  • There is nothing wrong with that at all. My mom and I slept in the same bed until I was about 15 and I had my own room. WHAT'S THE ISSUE HERE?? Do u think she's a molester or sumthin?? Or do u just not have children of your own?
  • Excuse me for sounding too harsh but this isn't your child and why is it any of your business????
  • Not your business.

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