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  • Douche frequently to clean out any sweat build up. Also, using a flavored lubricant can mask the taste. You can get a bunch of different flavored lubricants at almost any lingerie or sex shops.
  • You can also change your taste by what you eat. Lots of fruit and juice will give you a sweeter taste hope this helps
  • I would like to put a warning on the suggestion on doucheing frequently. Douching does clean your vagina and will give it a very mild/clean flavor afterwards, however it is not healthy to excessivly douche. Douching removes and/or kills the bacteria that are naturally living in your vagina. These bacteria are healthy and prevent many nasty things such as yeast infection and uti (urinary tract infection). Douching is a necessary to maintain a healthy vagina, but excessive cleaning can be a bad thing. (Edit: changed wording from regularly to frequently)
  • You literally are what you eat! I suggest you avoid eating and sour, bitter or spicy foods at least 24 hours before you share intimacies with your boyfriend; preferably longer. Same for what you drink. Stay with water as much as possible and I think you'll find that there's an immediate approval from your boyfriend. If you enjoy mutual oral intimacies I would suggest the same thing for your boyfriend and you too will notice a more pallatable experience with him.
  • Great! I have been dying to answer a question like this. I discovered it but didn’t have the courage to share when I was younger. I often heard that men complained that a women’s vagina tasted and smelled like fish! Then a thought occurred to me - many women are weight conscious and eat mainly tuna. I couldn’t face tuna after realising that. lol I was on strawberry Slim Fast for a while a few years back and it was commented that I tasted of strawberries. lol
  • Could be an excuse. Why don't you check yourself then you'll know for sure?
  • In addition to the foods you eat...any medications you take can have an effect, as can some supplements. Also to be considered is the SOAP you clean with. As mentioned...douching is NOT A GREAT idea. Once in a great while (once a month after your cycle is USUALLY ok for most women...but there are exceptions to every rule and if you have challenges with your blood sugar, even once a month can set you up for a yeast infection!) Karma Sutra products offer a Mint liquid "soap" it is eatable and it is pleasant tasting to most people, not all that minty once you've rinsed it off, but still a vast improvement over commercial soaps and bath gels! Make sure you wash IMMEDIATELY before you begin to make you ARE fresh. Even two hours after showering, if you happen to wear nylon underwear or hose, can start bacteria growing down there. And remember if you wear nylon underwear even with a cotton panel...the panel is likely COVERED by the nylon on the outside...negating the whole idea of the cotton panel! Also make sure you at the least sleep WITHOUT underwear...let things air out down's not that there is anything wrong WITH YOU...we simply have a moist, dark bacteria factory between our legs and we have to avoid all those nasty products "THEY" try to get us to buy...which do nothing to improve the flavor or character of the situation! Less is MORE..more pleasant tasting, smelling and healthier environment for loving!
  • I heard from a friend that eating pineapple works but I'm not sure if that's only for men or not. I'm assuming it works for both males and females because we are what we eat! I have heard other places that fruits, juice and other sources of natural sugars are good ways to make things a little sweeter down there. NEVER douche frequently and DO NOT use soap in the shower. I've had yeast infections all my life and my gynecologist asked me one day if I was "scrubbing" with soap in the shower. When i said yeah..duh I want to be clean she looked at me and said no wonder your getting yeast infections your cleaning out all the good stuff you need down there! Warm water rinsing is good enough! There's a reason there are "secretions" it's to keep everything flowing! Redhawk great answer = D Hope this helps good luck!
  • for fun, tuck a peppermint candy up there. It will keep him there longer (for you) and he'll enjoy the peppermint taste! Agree douching is dark age!! Unless a doctor suggests it for medical reasons no , no no. Just keeping clean is fine.
  • Do NOT put candy in your vagina! anything with sugar in it will cause a killer yeast infection because yeast feeds on sugar.
  • another idea, is wash yourself in the sink, right before he eats you out. Use your finger, to get inside you a little (no soap inside you though!!)
  • So my boyfriend ( I had to drag in out of him bc he said he felt like a jerk of telling me)said something pretty similar (NEVER had an effing complaint before!!!) Im going to try the pineapple/fruit thing. Ive laways heard about it you are what you eat right? I'll update you and let you know how it goes. LOL or if I just get a new Boyfriend...Wink
  • OK GUyS REALLY NOW. Perfessionaly eating fruit and sweet things DO NOT!!!!!! Make you sweeter. The ONLY three things that change your taste is A) cleanlyness B) Eating meat [makes it worse] C) drinking alot of water
  • I have had this sour tasting problem for the first time in my life, only in the past 6 months. I recently lost the 40 extra lbs I kept after our 2nd child 2 years ago. I did it by cutting out all carbs and sugar...including all fruits! I dropped weight quickly and in the past 2 months I have been slowly adding really good carbs back in. I eat all organic and super healthy, I'm at the right weight, I excercise and I drink a TON of water. Still have the problem. I've been doing a ton of research online about this and honestly...the fruit & juice thing is the only info I have found that sounds wacky but makes any sense to my situation. I have always had a sweet, yummy taste and my husband has loved loved loved (YEY!) to spend tons of time on me. No infections etc, been to midwife for all the checks. We shall see!
  • First never douche and be careful of soap down there....changes the ph which could lead to an infection and of course worse smell and taste. Some of it has to do with diet but mostly you are who you are, your taste and smell is you. Think of yourself as a fine wine uniquely aged (not meant to mean you're old...) with what should be a subtle smell and taste that is your own brand.
  • It is that yellow nail, that itch that will not stop and that awful cheese smell. Yeast is caused by Candida Albicans and can appear in the nails, the genital area and even the intestines. Fungus will grow. Garlic kills fungus. fungus It is an evil force who loves an easy way to invade your body. so you have to give the yeast a challenge and let the yeast know who's boss. YOU ARE THE BOSS. SO GO TO A MARKET AND PURCHASE SOME GARLIC. Now, wear NEW & clean COTTON underwear. stay away from polyester. i suggest buying packs of fruit of the loom 100% cotton underwear. take a shower and change into a new clean pair before you leave your house and before you go to bed. keep your vagina and crotch area breathing and dry. Do not drink cranberry juice. you must kill the all the fungus and have a healthy body. Clean yourself and win this fight against the yeast fungus before you purchase pretty and reusable panties again. Kill all the BAD yeast. Stay away from sweets girl. chocolate, candy, nuts and dry meats are helping the yeast. i say **** them. see them as your enemy because they are helping the yeast invade your body. this will take time. it will be trying. do not get impatient. YOU WILL OVERCOME. it may take as long as four weeks. so just to be prepared and to make sure your efforts had meaning, make sure you fight and keep strong and stick to your cleanse. stick to changing into NEW COTTON UNDERWEAR to maintain a clean vaginal environment two times a day girl. the fight is the whole 4 weeks long, but only if you don't want this fishy odor causing fungus to return. i wish you the best luck. i fought this fungus with no doctor. no mother. and guess what? I WON! i grew up with all your symptoms and i too was always to afraid to ask my mom or see a doctor. just cuz it was weird. idk. But now at 19. I'm clean. i say **** yeast infections. and i will make sure i never have one again. my vingina smells and tastes great now. my boyfriend loves it. but most importantly, I FEEL CLEAN, I FEEL HEALTHY, and I'M GLAD I BECAUSE I MADE MY BODY CLEAN AGAIN. ***First the vagina cleanse.*** 1. Step 1 Yeast most commonly is a feminine problem due to the fact that the vagina is an ideal breeding ground for Candida Albicans which thrives in dark, moist areas. You may notice often times you will tend to get yeast infections after wearing swimsuits which is due to the excess moisture. Yeast is also common between the toes and on the feet (athlete's foot) as the fungus lives in locker room floors and thrives in that environment. The nail beds likewise can be affected by Candida as can male genitals in the form of jock itch. The most serious form of Candida, often not recognized by the medical community, is systemic Candida Albicans. This is a severe syndrome that affects HIV positive and immuno-compromised people more often than healthy people but also can affect healthy people. Garlic kills yeast. Those who bake bread know not to add garlic while the dough is rising or it will kill the yeast. Instead, garlic is added to the dough after it has risen, just before baking it in the oven. A fresh garlic clove can easily cure a yeast infection.Take a clove of fresh garlic and peel off the natural white paper shell that covers it, leaving the clove intact. At bedtime, put the clove into the vagina. In the morning, remove the garlic clove and throw it in the toilet. Continue 5 or 6 days after all crumbly white, and to familiar disharge has stopped apearing. The reason that the treatment is done at bedtime is that there is a connection between the mouth and the vagina. The moment the garlic is placed in the vagina, the taste of the garlic travels up to the mouth. Most people will find this strong flavor annoying during the day, so the treatment is recommended for nighttime. If the infection has advanced to the point that a woman has large quantities of white discharge and red sore labia, it can still be treated by garlic but with a higher dose. Use a dry tissue to remove some of the discharge, then take a clove of garlic and cut it in half. Put it in the vagina at bedtime and repeat this for a few nights. Remember that a woman should never douche during a vaginal infection. Yeast loves sitting in water. wash and dry vagina like regulerally with mild soap when you shower. baths let water sit in vagina. so shower instead of having a bath. now Any cut in the clove makes the activity of the garlic stronger, giving you a higher the dose. Each woman should learn the dose that works best for her. start with 6 evenly spaced slices to the garlic clove. Garlic has been shown kill bacteria also with no side effects, besides garlic breath. Garlic protocol: * Break a clove off of a bulb of garlic and peel the clove. make your slices on the clove. Sew a string thru it for easy retrieval. remember a string, not a thread. a thread will slice thru the garlic or break, leaving garlic in the vagina. * Put the fresh clove in your vagina in the evening before you go to sleep. Most women taste garlic in their mouths as soon as it is in their vagina, so it is less pleasant to treat while awake. * many women find it is easiest to take it out on the toilet. Circle the vagina with a finger, till you find it. It cannot enter the uterus through the cervix. It cannot get lost, but it can get pushed into the pocket between the cervix and the vaginal wall. * Most people will taste the garlic as long as it is in there. So if you still taste it, it is probably still in there. Most women have trouble getting it out the first time. NOW FOOD. eat garlic too. In addition to these measures one should also eat a diet high in proteins and raw vegetables. These foods serve to feed your body and assist you immune system in conquering the intestinal imbalance. Stay away from fruits. The vaginal and external yeast infections can be treated both systemically with acidophilus, garlic, and the same supplements used for systemic Candida as well as with some external remedies. If you can tolerate it eating a clove of garlic a day (you must crush or chew it to release the allicin which is the anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiviral substance in garlic) then this is certainly recommended. Additionally eating a lot of yoghurt will help to balance your internal flora. Source(s): i grew up with all your symptoms always to afraid to ask my mom or a doctor. just cuz it was weird. idk. I overcame a yeast infection all on my own. yay me. with help from research too of course. the best way to research is learn the facts, and make t5hem make sense to you. put them in your own words. even if it sounds like a silly story. or a battle against fungus in my case.

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