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must this be answered by a man? if not, I will say something. i think, from what I have heard, not taking care of themselves. like, not shaving their legs, or taking care of their hair and skin... who wants a a greasy, hairy, smelly woman with ugly feet??? lol...
Bad breath or poorly cared for teeth will gross me out any time!
umm... getting really fat and wearing tight clothes? or really big ugly clothes?
reinact 2 girls one cup with her best friend
Show him her tampon.:D
Ahahhahaha. I agree.
There are some ignorant woman who work here who walk around trying to clear the phlegm out of there throats. The way they do it makes me want to take their heads off.
well, it is to me... walmart horrors... *runs away*
Poop. I don't want to know that girls poop.
faurt on the first date... breathe stinking like a mutha!!!! and smelling like armpitss... o yeah and not shaving the mustache... hahahahah what can be worse than this..?????
Be angry and loud. :/
Leave the toilet unflushed after using the bathroom during her period.
Smoke and having a really bad smokers cough...ughh! Wouldnt touch them with a barge pole!
Unshaved legs/arm pits, facial hair
It depends on the man. Some men don't get grossed out by anything. Some men get grossed out if a woman "glows."
lots of tattoos smokes and hairy
Fart during sex.
Fail to wear deodorant.
eat a booger
while you have a serious cold, cough up a lugie and then chase him down for a kiss.
Im a woman so i am answering by using the things that gross my fiance out. Farting, belching, nose picking, and nail biting LOL
Throw a your latest used tampon at him.
Fart a lot, stinky privates, not shower, stinky mouth, body oder, do drugs, be promiscuous....
popping a zit in his direction... (i've heard horror stories!)
Not shower for a while...ugh!
vomit on him
poop huge and not flush. super yuck.
Think I have this one nailed. When she asks you or lets you go down and you discover it's that time of the month. Happened once to me. We didn't date again.
having a really hairy vagina
For some men it might be her just being female.
Extreme body odor or nose picking.
Cry to him and say you love him so much,tell him not to go out and ask him to stay home beside you all day long,and ask him to watch tv with you(specially cooking shows)
Ah hell, just be yourself, that's all it takes.
- makes 50k a month with there website does anyone know this company?
nothing, it's impossible for a woman to gross me out, LOL
Dip (UNUSED!!!) tampons into red food dye and put them all over his car. Men are weird about that kind of stuff.
Say shes not on before making love, and then it turns out its the heaviest time of the month
Pass gas during oral sex.
Light up a cigarette. I can just about handle anything else.
I try not to date gross women..
Not shave, not shave.
plenty... probably a good thing they tend not to
Pull down pants and pee on him!
Throw up while giving him oral..... My buddy says that was the worst.
Don't tell him that you're having your period when you're about to have sex with him. Then if you're going to be on top, drip some of that brownish-red stuff on his stomach when you're about to go down on him :/. Yeah, that's personal experience..
Grow a better beard than him.
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