• bad idea if you do that when he finds out he will still leave you if he doesn't want a will get child support, but wouldn't you rather a father be there?hope this helps...
  • Having a baby doesn't guarentee he will stay, especially if he feels like you trapped him. And it is a very low down, devious thing to do, he trusts that you are taking birth control, it's not fair of you to go off of it and not tell him.
  • Aaaaaaaah NO! NO! NO!
  • Your pathetic you know. I hate girls like you. You get so desperate. A baby doesn't bring you both together. If you want a baby tell him.
  • OH ! How sweet, you sound a real catch and so charming. I hope you go on to enjoy the life you deserve.
  • That's a terrible idea. It's completely unfair, not to mention stupid. One of my best friends had a girl do that to him, and he dumped her on the spot. Now he has custody and she's MIA. Only a horrible bitch would do something that.
  • No. Thats a HORRIBLE idea. You should never try to trap someone in a relationship. Just because you have a baby together, doesn't mean that he'll stay with you. My guy friend and his girlfriend had a baby. I think she did it on purpose but anyway, they still ended up breaking up cause she was a bitch to him. Plus, you cant use a kid like that. There not tools for you to use to get what you want, there people.
  • Foolish idea. My girlfriend in the late 1970's had that same idea. She poked holes in the condoms we used without my knowledge and I was forced to marry her. The marriage lasted 5 years and I ignored her and was a real jerk to her. I was a spoiled brat and blamed her for ruining my life. So if you love your boyfriend you wouldn't do that. It's not a very fair thing to do and you mess up more than two peoples lives.
  • hun they dont stay with you. he will be mad that you lied to him, and your life will never be yours again, you have so much to live for before you have a baby. and after your boyfriend leaves you it will be hard for you to find someone that will want to raise another's baby, and most boys will just look at you and think that you are easy,
  • Yes, genius idea... that always works out for the best =S
  • No, it is VERY deceitful and disrespectful.! He has the right to know if you want to get pregnant with him.
  • Only if you want to be known as a deceptive bitch. Don't fool yourself into thinking anything you could possibly do will force a person to stay with you forever. That's just plain stupid.
  • I'll tell you what will happen (best case scenario) IF you do that. Your guy will stay with you begrudgingly, until after the child is born. During the wedding people will snicker about you behind your back for wearing a white dress at your wedding. Your BF will be there secretly hating you for trapping him in a relationship. After a few years you won't want to be around his miserable ass and file for divorce. He'll leave, you'll end up alone with your main source of income gone in a house you can't afford. You'll be a leech to any future boyfriend you might have, dooming you to spend the rest of your life in a wal-mart bought jogging suit wondering where exactly it all went wrong. Hint: It's when you tried to force a relationship to work by stopping your birth control pills.
  • What makes you think he will stay with you when you're pregnant? Thats very naive. The moment you get pregnant he will disappear so fast you wil feel the earth spinning beneath your feet. Would you like to be with someone because of the baby rather than becos they love you? I hop you come to your senses before its too late.
  • My sister tried that. The boyfriend left her when the baby was three months old.
  • Better propose for a marriage.

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