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  • Being "wet" is absolutely normal, it simply means that youre-lack for a better word- horny. I read this somewhere "Guys would appreciate it if they knew that girls wanted 'it' as much as they do." So i dont think your boyfriend wouldnt mind the wetness, if better he'll probably enjoy it. He'll probably be so caught up with you, he wont notice :)
  • The female body does respond to sexual stimulation by lubricating to prepare for sexual intercourse. This is perfectly normal. The answer to that question, however, is - in my not-so-humble opinion - the least of your concerns, given the other information in your question. Other things you need to really be considering: 1.) If you are not educated on your body, its functions, its responses, and how to protect it and value it, it is not a good idea for you to be sexually active right now. (and - yes - that includes oral sex and manual stimulation) 2.) Now, if the manual stimulation isn't something you WANT and something you are SEEKING, why would you agree to do it? 3.) If you think seeking information on your body's natural reactions is being in need of "extreme" help, you really need to learn to be comfortable with your own body. It's yours, learn how it works and why. Here are some links you may find useful: Please pay particular attention to the last link. You CAN get STDs of the mouth by having oral sex.
  • i agree with both of the other answers you really need 2 think about what u are doing so you don't regret it later Have a Great Day!
  • For a fool proof book..."our bodies our selves" is a classic and a great resource. Know your body, heart and mind. Don't be pressurred into anything, because it is just not fun this way and you can end up feeling bad about yourself.
  • For a fool proof book..."our bodies our selves" is a classic and a great resource. Know your body, heart and mind. Don't be pressurred into anything, because it is just not fun this way and you can end up feeling bad about yourself.
  • I don't think you're boyfriend "wants more". Him fingering you would be pleasurable for you more than him I should think. He may want to give you pleasure since you've given him a bj as you've said. But if you don't feel comfortable, you definetely shouldn't do it. If you're scared maybe it'd be best to wait it out and try to learn a bit about it first. The answers above seemed to have some helpful links.
  • I don't think you're boyfriend "wants more". Him fingering you would be pleasurable for you more than him I should think. He may want to give you pleasure since you've given him a bj as you've said. But if you don't feel comfortable, you definetely shouldn't do it. If you're scared maybe it'd be best to wait it out and try to learn a bit about it first. The answers above seemed to have some helpful links.
  • Yes, it's normal. If you don't want him to do it, say so.
  • If you dont want to be fingered, then dont be. Its okay if you get wet easily, most girls do. Thanks i hope i helped x

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