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  • i agree any one that leaves a young baby anywhere is 'child neglection' how the hell can you forget your baby in a car for 2 hours!!? jeez...
  • I agree with you, I just don't understand people now days how the hell do you forget you've got a kid? I had a neighbor that done this several times but I think she was on drugs pretty bad too. For the life of me I can honestly say I never forgot my son anywhere at anytime when he was little, people just have crap for brains anymore when it comes to taking care of children & little babies.
  • A mother says she forgot is not good enough excuse for me. She endangered her child which lead to death to me she is guilty of murder.
  • Second Degree Murder and Child Endangerment. What was this woman doing for 2 hours, that she forgot her child? Drugs? prostitution? Her actions will have a huge bearing in this case.
  • I agree....this woman has no business being a parent. How do you "forget" your child? She's facing jail time!!
  • Possibly she was a first time mother and having a baby around was new to her, but you would think the minute she stepped out of the car and realized she did'nt have her baby in her arms an alarm should have gone off in her head.Forgot him for TWO HOURS!!! What the heck!! That's pure neglet and child endangerment and she should definately be charged! You see these stories on the news again and again. How someone can FORGET thier child is. beyond my comprehension
  • Absolutely. You do not just "forget" your kids is in the car. She should be charged with something like "Homicide by neglect" or something. That is horrible!
  • I think this might be the case where the girl went to work at a hooters???? Anyway, regardless, I agree, they should serve a prison sentence and have to take parenting courses before they even think of having another child. Unfortunately, in North America, the life of a child is not looked at the same as an adult. Not sure why but most sentences are pretty lame. In Canada, the average sentence for killing a child is about three years. Maybe its because they arent considered assets by government... I dont know but in my opinion the laws have to change to protect those who cannot speak for themselves in this case children. You wont find many lawyers sparring to help children because there is no money in that, its a victims thing, no money in victims.... its really sad.
  • I think she has already paid the price and charging her will not help the child, society or the mother.
  • If she suffering now then no! If not at least take her license to drive away from her so she doesn't kill someone by falling asleep behind the wheel!
  • I don't understand how someone can "forget" that their child is in the car.I don't care how old the child is. There is no way this couldn't be a form of neglect and child abuse. I have two children now ages 13and almost 12 I NEVER forgot they were with me or in the car or whatever so I cannot understand how anyone can use that as an excuse!!
  • She forgot she left him in there... What a load of bull! i am sorry but most mothers i know to young babies are constantly fussing and checking over them to make sure they are okay.. You DO NOT just forget your 5 1/2 month baby for 2 hours.. Where the hell did she think he was?! Lets lock her in a boiling car for two hours and see how she likes it, Of course they should press charges!

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