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  • This seems like a problem that most people rather not answer.. its more of a from of "talking dirty" just askk what you really want from her.. its easy as that... dont back down. show her you have the balls to ask.
  • I suppose it depends on how long you guys have been together because sometimes things like this can cause problems or you might ask her something and you may not like it. I think if you want her to go out of her comfort zone you should play more of a controlling game where you ask her to do things that please you and she can do the same, that way you'll both have fun and a laugh but it won't be as awquard. Also as a married woman theres quite a few secrets that belong to me and although im very open with my husband there are things a woman likes to keep to herself, everybody has little secrets. I just wouldn't go there, just talk dirty to her play games like pretending you have your own office and shes one of your colleges but when she closes the door...... il leave the rest to you, its about exploring both of your imaginations, just lie next to each other and make up little stories that are sexually exciting that way you will both be slightly out of each others comfort zones but it not gonna put each of you under pressure to answer anythng, for example if you do keep asking questions you might ask her one and she might not be happy to answer it and you'll really want to know, she might not wanna tell and youll be wondering what it is, it will just cause fustration. I hope ive managed to give some good advice!
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