• Your numbers and addresses are saved to your old SIM card. If you are using a new SIM card, simply put your old SIM into the new phone (assuming that your old SIM card wasn't for an iphone - if it was, then you're screwed), and all of your information should be there. If you ARE trying to use the old SIM card, then when you bought the new phone they probably activated your new SIM card onto your account automatically, which would have disabled your old SIM card. This probably isn't the case, though, because if your SIM card had been disabled you'd get an error on your phone saying 'invalid SIM'. If all else fails, call customer service. I would highly recommend NOT going to an AT&T store location. I work in customer service for AT&T, and all I do all day long is fix store rep's mistakes.
  • I just had to switch over since my previous carrier was bought out by AT&T and the store rep had to scan the old SIM card to get all the contacts from the original SIM card to my new SIM card for my blackjack II. Without doing this transfer or using the same sim card your information will not be on the new device simply because nothing was done to put it there

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