• if he doens't want to work for it, then he wont get them that being said, do ab workout, and eat more protein. it helps to use weights, such as books, water jugs, etc
  • unti lhe starts to produce more testosterone (aka hit puberty) hes not going to get any abs. and unless the child is overweight and a docter recomend it, gyms will not allow anyone under 14 to use their equipment. if he is worried about his body at this young of age, usually a friend or other child is pointing out his appearance in either a joking or bullying manner. he most likely wont tell you this, so please try to get down to the source of this request.
  • Your son can easily get abs, he would have to do something other than working his abs for one hour a day. If your son is involved with another sport he can focus time on getting some cardio vascular going like riding a indoor bike or treadmill jogging, these are the best ways for one, he would not be breathing in alot of carbon monoxide and stuff thats in the air, and it depends on where you live, like the prime example would be not to do alot of jogging in LA to much smog. Indoor cardio is safer becaue when you get a good jog going and you breathe deep into your lungs and you don't want that stuff going in that deep if you can helf it. plus indoor jogging at a gym the air is filtered and pumped in. Now back to abs a one hour work out is alot for one muscle group. So I suggest to your son to maybe work his legs, because once you get the legs working out there is a growth hormone that is naturally released into the body once the major leg muscles are targeted. And there is a release to compensate for the amount of potential muscle that will be needed for the muscles to grow. For me I worked with a Foot ball player (pro) which I will not mention but he told me to get the legs going and target another muscle group and the growth hormone for your legs will bulk up any other group that is targeted. That being said the legs will be sore if your son starts doing squats for his routine this is an easy exercise that get the legs working, but I must stress that your sons legs will be sore so go easy and work up by carrying a 5 and 10, 15 I mean work up with no weights for squats and the next week 5lb next week,10, and the next 15, and do these squats do 10 and then break for a minute no more for you will loose your pump and then do 10 more break for a minute 10 more and so one up to 30, or 40, in that order. Now you must understand that doing these exercises will not make your son big over night it takes time but if you take the time you will notice more muscles for the targeted areas, and with the leg exercises the muscles will be more noticible rather than not.(What you will notice is big veins starting to get noticible for these veins hold the oxygen needed for fuel)) Also ride your bike but not exerting out side if you live in a smoggy area. Now to get the proper protien is wise. Use supplimental proteins with discretion, try not to depend on these things for results expecially with young men, because the message is "To take suppliments makes me better" and that could lead to things that I don't even want to go there, and that the Sroids so I will not even spell it. But it would not hurt to take protien suppliments if the message is ok with the parents. Your son is also right on the cusp of adolescence and testosterone will enter the picture and at this time the male body will start growing with muscles and already worked muscles will grow even bigger this is the time the body will need extra nurishment and rest alot of rest will be noticed right away.A very important thing to rememer is balanced diets. With these suggestions in mind and all that I have offered your son will get his abs by working his legs along with his abs and I guarantee that if you exerecised one hour every day you will at a minimum gain 10lbs in 5 weeks and to remember that this weight gain is solid muscle and by the time your voice starts to change you will have already have a head start , all the best

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