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  • You'd have to be more specific of the event. The person who penetrated you first is the one who took your virginity, for that particular orifice. Was there simultaneous penetration of one orifice? (I hope not, that'd hurt like hell for a virgin.)
  • Aha the same thing happened to me; Only i lost it and then turned arnd and did anothr guy like 10minutes laterr (:
  • Wow, your a slut...where were you when i was fucking virgins? lol
  • Don't you just love how people automatically assume that this happened to YOU (whether it did or didn't)? It's like readers believing the characters in a novel are real life characters and the author is the main one. Oh and don't forget that you get called a slut and other such names. I think the same as Mesia is too damn busy. Whoever caused the hymen to break first took the virginity of the person. Nothing wrong with experimenting as long as everyone involved is careful.
  • the first one thru the door gets the prize
  • whoever stuck it in you first, 2 dick would not fit into a virgin vagina
  • This would have been prime fantasy material when I was a teen and to afraid to ask out a girl (no longer a problem!) That is if my limited imagination then would have thought of a fmf threesome.

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