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  • As a woman; I think that most woman are bi-sexual in nature. Even if we don't act on it the feelings are there.
    • JFinch
  • My wife of 4 years has always made comments about various women such as i.e. Gisele Bundchen, Jessica Alba, Kristen Kreuk, etc… being “sexy”, “cute” or “hot”. Only recently out of the blue did she ask if I ever thought about watching porn when we had sex. I asked, “What TYPE of porn are you referring too?” She said, “Girl on Girl.” Yahtzee! I must tell you, used sparingly this has dramatically spiced up our sex lives. My wife is stunning & watching her get aroused by two females (in a tasteful porn via the likes of Director Viv Thomas) has lit a fire that, though sex life prior was fabulous, makes every time feel like we felt the first time. She’s a straight woman, we have two beautiful children together but she enjoys looking at beautiful women in magazines, TV, etc… Its funny watching a porn together & hearing her make comments about the models “distracting” choice of shoes, clothing, makeup or how one of the models facial expressions or moaning can turn her off. They wear shoes? J/K. She’ll even comment if the makeup looks nice; “I wonder what she uses!” Anyway, from what I’ve seen it’s perfectly normal. I hear women say that other women are hot all the time. Coworkers, friends, in-laws, etc… Honestly, it’s just hot hearing it. When I think back to prior relationships going back many years, I’ve never known a girl that didn’t find another woman attractive. I’ve lucked out that my wife & I are at a point in our relationship that we can be THIS open. Prior she would be insecure about “you think she’s hot huh?” but this hasn’t come up (in a negative way) again since we’ve taken our relationship to this next level. We found that we have similar tastes in women & browsing online for videos with your spouse is a turn-on in itself. I think there are a LOT more women who find other women attractive than they admit considering to some, it seems taboo. I’m surprised more people didn’t respond to your question but reposting on Yahoo Answers would probably get a LOT of responses from other women & men. Believe me, you shouldn’t at all be confused, this seems perfectly normal. If you like watching women & you’ve never tried sharing this info with your husband, tell him… If you’re secure in your relationship & will try anything once with each other, ask him if he’d be willing to watch a video during your next session in bed. There is no way he would say no. If you like seeing beautiful women with beautiful bodies without the hardcore, do a search on Viv Thomas videos which are award winning & are LOVED by women. Good luck to you & don’t be so hard on yourself.

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