• I'm not an expert, and I'm horrible with plants but I've had luck with hostas, and they get about that size. They are really hearty plants and when they do bloom they are beautiful.
  • How much sun does the area get? Do you want the plants to be all-season, or can they die back each fall? Do you want them to flower? Bear fruit? Some ideas - Blueberry bushes - mostly sunny location, drop leaves each fall. Hosta - mostly shady location, die back to root each fall. Solomon's Seal - sun or shade, die back to root each year, spread out or can be transplanted. Burning Bush - prefers sun, leaves turn bright red in fall and drop. Azalea - sun to part shade, flowers in April, keeps leaves year round.
  • sedum spectabile,common names autumn joy,showy sedum,showy stonecrop,balloon plant. they have succulent leaves,grow to about 18 inches tall and bloom in the fall. they produce a tiny purple flower in clusters. they are very drought tolerant. they have been growing in my yard for twenty years with no maintenance except a little water here and there,but they really do not even require that in an area with a moderate amount of rain. i have seen no traces of disease or insects on them and they can be propagated from leaf cuttings. they grow vigorously and aggressively but do not spread like weeds. if uprooted and thrown into a pile in some soil or in a compost pile,they will immediately attempt to grow again and will even grow in cracks.

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