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  • wow- you are being WAY too nice. Give her 1 night, she did something bad here and ruined part of your lives. She can come back when you are not there (under upervision) to get her shit. Don't worry about how she feels- she obviously does not care about your feelings.
  • Wow. Tough situation. Sorry about your girlfriend. But yeah, its time for her to go like.. NOW. Hope things work out for you. ~+~
  • It's not necessary, if you don't WANT to. That will require forgiving and not ever bringing it up again. (See my answer at ) If you can get over it and are sure she won't again (many one-time cheaters are extremely remorseful), this may be the way you want to go. You (both of you) will need to figure out WHY she cheated and go from there. If you do want her to leave, give her a couple of days. VERY few people can find a new place to live in one day, unless the one she cheated with lives alone. Even then, HE may not want her to live with him and "cramp his style". Meanwhile, one of you sleep on the couch or in the guest bedroom (probably her, since she's the one that will be leaving.) No "goodbye sex". If she's not getting ready to go, pack her stuff up, with the things she'll need immediately on top or easily reachable. DO NOT be petty about this and just throw her stuff out - It won't help you and it won't help her. If the couple of days comes and goes without any movement on her part, since her stuff is packed, put it by the door. If it goes to the next day, when you're home and you know she'll be home shortly, put it OUT the door. (Don't put it out to have it stolen.) If it goes longer, it's up to you what to do (Try putting her stuff in her car, if she has one). Any which way it works, once she's gone, get the locks changed. She cheated. As Dr Phil says, "You choose the behavior, you choose the consequences." Again, if you love her and can get past this, you don't HAVE to make her leave, but obviously, you BOTH will need to work on rebuilding the trust and relationship. (This ALL holds true if it's a GUY that's cheated.) Good luck. :-/
  • By the time it took you to type this question, you should have been packing her shit and putting it o-u-t.
  • Bitch shouldn't've even come back in the place after doing it. She needs to be out immediately. If she claims to have no where to go, well. I'm sure she can shack up with whoever she was having on the side, and if not, it's not your problem.
  • read my lips (((( TONIGHT )))) I am sure she has family, friends, or the cheating fool she slept with, he should have a place for her.
  • You have a right to be upset. Take it out on her stuff. You have a window-use it. As for timetables-don't be a pussy. Do it now.
  • Is it your apartment/house? If yes she can leave immediately and get her stuff within a week. A place you moved into together? That's tougher. I think I would say I'm leaving - and do it ASAP - but move to the sofa immediately. Oh - and be an adult and tell her personally. No reason to be cruel or anything - just firm.
  • God! At least it's YOUR house. I am in a situation where we moved away together. Have an apartment together. And I caught her spending time with a guy behind my back. If nothing else, she was lying to me if not also cheating on me. We were planning on moving back to our home towns in two weeks. We are not happy here. She wants to finish school. I need a career change. I slept on the couch last night. Now I'm not sure what to do.
  • Give her enough time to put some clothes on, on second thought....
  • If you want her to leave tell her to her face, kindly and respectfully. Say why, and clarify if there is a chance of repair or not. If so tell her what would be needed, if not tell her its not repairable. 2 weeks is a reasonable amount of time - leave in a few days, collect stuff within 2 weeks. Be aware things could be very painful. If someone can make a speedier retreat, then the other should give support to facilitating that. If the one who has moved in has invested a lot of money, and has to leave, then the person who owns the house can consider giving some money to assist with the transition.

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