• That would depend on whether either of them "gave out" on a first date.
  • Are God and Allah different entities? How can two separate monotheistic religions think their all-powerful God is a different one than someone else's?
  • So they aren't the same malevolent deity then?
  • Your question is exactly the same as asking if I and me had dinner together, etc?.
  • Nothing would change. Thanks to God I'm sure!
  • They are both one and the same ... so there would only be one at the dinner and His thoughts of Himself would not have been changed by the dinner.
  • I think the Judeo-Christian God would ask Allah to stop masquerading as Him or He would have to resort to bringing out the big guns.
  • That would be a table for one...
  • I think they would both be very similar yet not exact reflextions of the Waiter to their table. For we seem to have perceptions, but how much can we truely percieve if we are said to be so faulty.
  • They are same deity so he'd be eating alone.
  • friends... who needs enemies?
  • Allah "Hmmmm, ol' Yahweh's a bit heavy on the bitter herbs... - and he looks familiar somehow..." Yahweh "Geez, Allah loves his hommus doesn't he? Mind you, I still can't tell the difference between Halal and Kosher."
  • I, like many of the other answerers of this question, feel that they one in the same, so that there would be only one eating, unless there were Angels attending.
  • all gods are the same being, so i guess he/she has a split personality.
  • Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the one true God of Abraham. "Allah" is just the word "God" in Arabic. The language does not matter: • Allah in Arabic • God in English • Dieu in French • Theos in Greek • Dios in Spanish Remember God is the title or role and not God's name which is an entirely different discussion. With love in Christ.
  • uh...same god...and he isn't it's a lonely dinner?
  • I imagine the whole arguement would conclude with a fight about bacon.
  • I am the father to my son, Husband to my wife, son to my father & so on. But am only one with diffent names and different roles. God has different names & forms as his followers see and want to enjoy Him. If your question is to be imagined, then GOD is going to have a lonely dinner & contemplate about Himself
  • They'd probably tell themselves what an asshole the other guy was
  • it would have to be a raincheck, because neither one exists. Allah is just another word for God, and God does not exist. it is generic and non specific.
  • It would end up in a drunken fight.. but God would woop the sand jockey's ass!
  • If you had dinner with yourself, what would you think afterwards?
  • *I wonder where he gets his beard trimmed?
  • They would be turned on by each others ability to control the minds of so many people and would end up sleeping together.
  • there is no god... or Allah
  • They would never finish...afterall...each would wait for the other to eat
  • I thought they were the same being under different names.
  • God and Allah are the same. Allah is the Arabic word for God. The word Allah is even used by Arabic Christian and Jews living in Gulf countries(Persian gulf), apart from Muslims.
  • It would be a singles night.
  • Which god would you invite. The Evil, Jealous god from th begining of the old testament. The Playful god who tortured Abraham, Job and countless others. Yahweh the treacherous God who delivered Moses and the Egyptian workforce. out of Egypt. Or the fatherly God from the new testament. I am all for the One schitzo God, but I prefer to think of them as one entities (sic). Who are part of you and me, One all encompassing...
  • I think they are very much seperate, both have similar actions or ways they like to be served allegedly. But in essence as described by each religion they want different things, value different goals slightly. If there is a god, they would be talking about the same person. But because they seem solely made up of what their followers decide what is holy and just without evidencial intervention, I think we should definitly seperate the two deities. Anyway, they are both omnipotent so they could probably relay some great stories, except both of them already know it. Maybe a game of paper, scissors stone for ruler of the universe. Then they would probably leave laughing, discussing their comical capers from their patch of devotion.
  • They are one in the same. Same meaning different word.
  • They're the same. Just different names.
  • They're the same dude. Jesus and Mohamed, on the other hand...
  • They'd probably get completely shit-faced and end up in bed together.
  • "Allah (Arabic: الله‎, Allāh, IPA: [Ê”alˤːɑːh] pronunciation (help·info)) is the standard Arabic word for 'God.' While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, in reference to "God"." Source and further information:
  • It would be a very dull, one-sided conversation because they're the same person! That is, unless God argues with himself.
  • There is only ONE God. One true God, and many other false religions/gods. We cannot therefore put together two almost opposing religions and deem their Gods "one and the same" as someone said. So if you were Christian, then yes, there would only be one Person at that dinner.
  • It would be a very one sided conversation since Allah does not exist.
  • Contrary to what many in here have answered, Yahweh God and Allah are not the same diety. Allah is the name of the only God in Islam. Allah is a pre-Islamic name coming from the compound Arabic word Al-ilah which means the God, which is derived from al (the) ilah (deity). Many believe the word “Allah” was derived from the mid- eastern word “el” which in Ugaritic, Caananite and Hebrew can mean a true or false God. This is not the case, “The source of this (Allah) goes back to pre-Muslim times. Allah is not a common name meaning “God” (or a “god”), and the Muslim must use another word or form if he wishes to indicate any other than his own peculiar deity.” (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (ed. Hastings), I:326.) Mohammed used the name Allah which was formerly the name of a specific idol without ever distinguishing it from the idol the Meccan’s were already worshipping. This was a modification of their former worship but never a complete break. He never did say for the people to stop their worship of the wrong Allah, for the right one. It can still be monotheism and not be the God of the Bible. The name Allah, as the Qur'an itself is witness, was well known in pre-Islamic Arabia. Indeed, both it and its feminine form, Allat, are found not infrequently among the theophorous names in inscriptions from North Africa.” (Arthur Jeffrey, ed., Islam: Muhammad and His Religion (1958), p. 85.) The literal name of Mohammed's father in Arabic is Abd Allah. His uncle's name Obred Allah. These names show the devotion of Mohammed's families pagan roots, and also prove that Allah was part of a polytheistic system of worship before Allah was made the supreme and only god from the other God's. This should be proof to the pre- Islamic root of the name of Allah to the Muslim. Remember they were pagans who used this name. He kept his family name above all the other names. Mohammad had good intentions in removing the people from their polytheistic worship however he did not go far enough in his reform. Mecca was the place where the idol Allah was located, so the people would face in that direction when they prayed. Prior to Islam the people would pray 5 times a day facing Mecca (The Encyclopedia of Islam p.303) Prior to Islam's beginning each Arab tribe used Allah to refer to its own particular high god. This is why Hubal, the Moon god, (known by other names) was the central focus of prayer at the Kaabah and people prayed to Hubal and they used the name Allah. I am surprised and a little dismayed that even some Christians say that Allah and Yahweh God are one in the same. They are not the same and a little research would reveal that. So to answer your question, God (Yahweh) would be eating dinner alone because Allah is a false and non-existent god.

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