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  • Ask your best friend and then get pissed (or not). :)
  • My closest girl friends would never do that to me. My boyfriend and I used to have a so-called mutual best friend before who wanted to be more than just friends with him (and still denies it), and let's just say that didn't end pretty. Neither of us are friends with her and we don't even talk to her anymore. Yeah, I most likely would be angry. No, I don't think you're being silly at all.
  • No!I dont tink u r,c am a guy so I wuldent know,but if she is ur frind then she shuld know best not to do that,but in my humbel openen..du its hard on you..but try to forgiv her some haw..but if u cant I dont blame u,btw way dont u try and face her (in a frindli way if posebol),I hop that whas helpfull and sori for miss fpilling
  • And what would be the problem with the three of you haveing a threesome? that way there is no cheating and all can have a good time..why should anyone be pissed...enjoy the finer things of life!
  • Been there and now have nothing to do with her,,,not a friend more like a snake in the grass.
  • females tend to be more overprotective on things. i don't find it silly at all.
  • She doesn't sound like a true friend,much less a best friend.Keep her away from your guy.
  • Yes, you're being silly. Why would you be pissed about his feelings about you? You should be flattered. Just let him know that you don't feel the same and want to just remain bestfriends. Stop making relationships so difficult. Say what you mean and mean what you say without all the drama.

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