• Psalm 46 is urging readers to stop and ponder that God is in control and to recognise Him as who He is. In the same way as yu can ponder Elizabeth Windsor and recognise her as Queen of England but you can only know her by relationshp. It is the same with God to know Him you need to be in relationship with Him. To be in relationship you need to be in the right condition to be acceptable to Him.
  • One needs to cut out a slice of time in today's busy lifestyle and be still and ponder. If it's hard during the day, try it in the still of the night when everyone else is asleep. But there are hundreds of ways in which people get to know God. Here's just three Sorry no video for this one, but here's a summary. A beer lover who used to teach the evolution theory goes to a dry country for a lucrative wildlife conservation contract. The prospect of having to go without his favourite drink for months makes him drink so much before his journey he wonders how they ever let him onto the plane. Weeks into his job he is on a hill surveying the wildlife. The sound he hears while on top of the hill really shook him. Now back in his country he is the religious leader of a congregation and never touches any alcohol. A Texan preacher close to being thrown out of his house fell down in prostration, like Jesus, and asked God for guidance - details in the video. A young guy finally takes a book and reads it just to stop his neighbour asking him whether he's read it yet - see video for details. .
  • You can learn about God from, or be inspired by, books, church, or discussions, but ultimately you have to spend the time to sit in the quiet / stillness.
  • If by god you mean the projection of ego that most people call god, then it's irrelevant since there is no almighty creator deity. It's a myth. On the other hand, if you want to know why the mystics of all the major faiths recommended stillness and silence as a way to encounter the Absolute, that is a different matter. And the answer to the latter is, no, there is no other way.
  • The Little Soul
  • "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." To me this statement is similar to "Be still..." in that we keep looking outward rather than being still and looking within. Most all religions have a sort of meditation, be it prayer, reflection, transcendental medication, trance dancing, walking in nature...relaxing into the stillness within.
  • his name is bob
  • Answered instead of commented in error. Please ignore.
  • See now why didn't anyone tell me I was supposed to be still?! No wonder...
  • Start reading the word of God "ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you.For everyone who asks recieves; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. MATTHEW 7:7-8

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