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  • A lot of issues with a man's erection causes some women to blame themselves and then get angry at the man. It could be a lot of things, also important is their age. it could drugs, meds or alcohol. One reason for young men is too much masturbation, being nervous or just plain insecurity. For older men it could be health issues and nerves also. It could also be too much masturbation too. Whatever it is it very rarely has anything to do with the women. Unless she is being too aggressive, some men get turned off to that or she is dominate. It could also be the other way around and he wants to be dominated and told what to do, he might want her to be aggressive, some men like that. So in those cases again no reason to get angry with him or yourself it's a compatibility issue. I like to be Dom but I like aggressive women too because I like to feel like they want me and need to have me, that is intoxicating if done a certain way. if done the wrong way it can come off as stalking and clingy. And last but not least the dreaded hygiene issue, I think you know were I'm going with this but there is more to it. Some people are not chemically compatible conversely if you think about how certain people and how you want to devour them sexually or just out and out love their personal odor. A more mature women would just relax and give it time because they are not as insecure and more experienced. They know it can be so many reasons. And it could be something like the women reminds them of someone once the clothes are off and it could be their ex-wife.

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