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  • Get all members of the family into consuling. As soon as humanly possible. Keep your daughter and step daughter from being alone together.
  • If there is any inappropriate touching going on, do not let the two be alone together.
  • What is the age difference. If the are the same age and your daughter doesn't like what is going on then teach her to say that. If the step-daughter continues then I would get therapy for all involved. If there is a large age difference then don't wait get therapy immediately. I don't know how you can be 100% sure that your step daughter will not do this again. Unless you always have someone either with on child or the other.
  • Get them both help now! How old is your step daughter & was she molested?
  • talk to her sterpsister and ask her directly. If she denies it then call the police. Why would your daughter lie about it? DOn't let her stepsister get away with it. FOr all you know she's doing this to other little girls. Put a stop to it
  • get her help, be there for her, my oldest son has ADHD, he does not appropaite things toward to my youngest kid and to his cousins, we got him some help and he is getting better, don't turn your back on her, she might need you. plus, ask her if she was being molested herself, sounds like somebody did.
  • chances are, the stepsister thats doing the touching was abused as well, and is repeating the only form of affection that she is aware of: touchy-feely. get them both help, and i would also consider family counseling for everyone. if they're both still young, chances are this can be overcome with time and patience.
  • oh they both need help

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