• I LOVE big butts!
  • I'd take a chubby girl over an anorexic girl any day.
  • Your confidence level in yourself is what makes you "sexy".
  • Your boyfriend obviously thinks you're sexy. He is your boyfriend, afterall. Besides, what self-respecting American isn't, well, at least a touch overweight?
  • I prefer chunky girls, and I'm sure if you ask most men when they're not near their friends, they'll say the same.
  • Of course! And no one should ever say you need to die. I believe you are beautiful!
  • I like 'em thick, and hot blooded. Yes, they can absolutely be sexy.
  • Who on earth says such things to you - not the BF I hope - who?
  • If you're underage, I'd have to advise not to make a mistake by giving an online boyfriend naked pictures of you. If I'm way off on that, then I'd simply say that yes, chubby girls can indeed be just as sexy as any other.
  • These people that are calling you ugly do so because their own self esteem is so low they can only feel better about themselves by putting down others. You have a boyfriend, he is obviously into you otherwise he wouldn't be your boyfriend. So click away.
  • I don't think so, but, ask yourself if your boyfriend does. If it's yes, then, there's your answer. If it's no, then, well, that would be perplexing since he is your boyfriend and all.
  • Of course they can! And anyone who tells you otherwise is not worth a second of your time! Obviously your boyfriend finds you sexy, but more importantly, you must remember to love yourself. There is no one exactly like you and what better way to memorialize that than with some lovely pictures?! You go girl!! (And BTW, this is from a fellow chubby person whose boyfriend makes her feel like a million every day;)
  • Yes. Chubby girls can be sexy. I wouldn't advise you sending "sexy pictures" to your boyfriend if you don't trust him completely, though. Do you know him personally as well?
  • My wife is 5'5" and a hair over 200 lbs but SO sexy! It has more to do with self-confidence than anything else. My wife still moves like she did when she was 110 lbs. and that is more of a turn-on than her current weight is a turn-off. FAR more. /me still recovering from this morning. ohohohohohooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
  • First of all, "plump girls" can be much sexier than skinny chicks with no curves. It's that simple. Second, I wouldn't advise you give your boyfriend any sexual pictures unless you trust him completely, I've had more ex-girlfriend pics sent to me from friends than I care to count.
  • i wouldn't suggest sending those pix over the phone but u know what - if you think you are and your bf does then that's what should matter for you and whoever says you should hell with them
  • Absolutely, it is all in how you carry yourself and attitude. A smile and and great attitude goes very long way, being perky so to speak. Now for some reason a lot of women seem to need to be extremely skinny, wanting to look like a skeleton with a leather body coat on, this isn't attractive, this is unhealthy. So the question is are you really chubby or do you relate your weight to the main stream.
  • Yes, chubby girls can be sexy. But NO to the pics. I checked your profile; you're only 15!!!!!!!!!!
  • Not if they don't think they are. Sexy is more an attitude than anything else. I've seen girls who people might not think are pretty, but they're definitely sexy. There are just as many sexy plump girls as skinny ones.
  • girl you are sexy whatever size you are- my boyfriend asked me to put on weight and i feel more fabulous now than i did before- and i took pics of me to celebrate my new sexiness- im now a size 12-14 - i was an 8-10. life is better! do it but not to an online one! youll be surprised how beautiful the pictures will be! and those people that told you that- jus say to them---jealousey is a disease bitches- get well soon!
  • yah they can be.
  • ABSOLUTELY! Sexy is an attitude, be confident with who you are as a person, and that will shine through. All you have to do is look at the large models, to get ideas for your picture. I dont know many people that are truly happy with their bodies. Anyone that tells you that you need to die, is mentally challenged, I would avoid all contact, with someone, that likes to destroy people with their cruel words, they are shallow and insecure.
  • Here's a couple plus-sized models. As you can see, they are quite attractive.
  • You sure can be. If you're talking about pictures with nudity though, before you do it, consider that once they're taken ANYTHING could happen to them. Think about whether it is important for you to do so.
  • Chubby girls can be sexy (it is all about attitude); but, the better question is, "At 15 years of age, are you sure you want to take sexy pics of yourself for your boyfriend?"
  • sexy pics? at 15! ARGHHHHHH, I'm screamin for the future of my daughters. Do you realise just what can happen if you take the pictures and he passes them on, Can you imagine the shame you'd feel, knowing that his mates had seen your wobbly bits. I'm a size 18 and sexy as hell. lol. I am on the otherhand, 32 yrs old and never, I say NEVER take saucy pics for my bf! if anything, send a naughty text message. Good Lord! someone save the girl.
  • Its ok to give him photo of you in a decent clothing but not sexy picture as this may be abused. You can always look sexy when ever you meet him.Its in your mind how best you can act sexy.If you feel ugly ,so do something about that.Get trim down. No pain no gain.If you are under age ,please defer from being too sexy. A bit maybe .Just look good you'll be alright.
  • THIS GIRL IS 15!!! sexy pics? at 15! ARGHHHHHH, I'm screamin for the future of my daughters. Do you realise just what can happen if you take the pictures and he passes them on, Can you imagine the shame you'd feel, knowing that his mates had seen your wobbly bits. I'm a size 18 and sexy as hell. lol. I am on the otherhand, 32 yrs old and never, I say NEVER take saucy pics for my bf! if anything, send a naughty text message. Good Lord! someone save the girl.
  • being overweight is a health problem more than anything. it's very unhealthy!!!
  • dont take pictures, dont put anything on film, it will come back to haunt you. I dont care how much you love your bf, thats something you dont do till marraige.
  • the ones who dis you are @$$holes, a lot of men love plump women. there is a thriving DVD market for adult movies featuring chubby women. have you ever heard of Sir mixalot? the artist who made the "I like Big Butts" song? there's also a movie about a woman feeling ugly because she's fat but the hansom African guy only has eyes for her big booty. you are beautiful for who you are and how you act. believe you are beautiful and others will see it too. and next time the bad people get in your face, just think what would Queen Latifa Do.
  • Honey, it's all in the lighting and angles. Camera can be very friendly if you know what you are doing. Consult a professional photographer.
  • do the bed scene with a sheet over your legs and half your rear, show your beautiful back and part of your crack, and look at the camera and smile.
  • Hon, there are "chubby" and plus-sized models who are absolutley beautiful and sexy. Queen Latifah is a beautiful woman. Marilyn Monroe was plus-sized, and is still considered one of the most beautiful women ever. Melissa Aronson, better known as "Emme" is a plus-sized Supermodel! Sophia Loren is plus sized and considered one of the most beautiful women ever! Personally I think these women are a lot more sexy than some of the alternatives TV pushes on us! Look at these pics: Who is really sexier? The chubby ones or the ones the media would have us percieve as normal?
  • your not even chubby... and i doubt people tell you you need to die because you are ugly. you just want people to tell you you are pretty.
  • Real sexiness shines through a body like a loving person attracts anybody.Find the colour you like,think about the reason you want the pictures and it will be all in there.Have fun doing it most of all.:-))
  • I think healthier looking women look better but please think about what ever pics you make for him & if you would want them to find themselves on the internet or the friends pockets. Same thing with movies, if you make a dirty movie with your s/o or bf you better put it in a safe where only you have a key in case you break up that would be the 1st thing they would show everyone.
  • yes, chubby girls can be sexy. some of them can be very sexy, it all depends on your attitude, not all looks. if you're chubby and have low self-esteem, you probably won't come off as being very sexy, but, if you're chubby, and have a sexy attitude, which it seems like you do, because you want to take these pictures for him, then, yes, you are sexy!
  • My wife is chubby. She was chubby the day we met. She is chubby now. We have been married 7 years now and have three kids. I think it is safe to say that I think she is sexy. Some people have ugly personailties. Like the ones who tell you that you should die. How sick is that? Besides, who the hell are they and what makes them so great anyhow? Not to mention you can't value their opinion anyhow. How can you, it's stupid. I am covered with tattoos. When people make hateful remarks to me I simply answer them this way "you know, if I valued your opinion and the source it was coming from, that commit might have hurt my feelings".
  • sexy isn't about size, it's about additude...obviously your boyfriend finds you sexy or he wouldn't be your boyfriend...
  • Girl i know what ur talking about. To me us big girls are sexy so yes big girls can be sexy so just belive in you-self don't let nobody tell u ur ugly because ur not. The reason why us big girls are sexy is because we have meat on our bones we can shade our men in the summer and keep them warm in the winter something those skinny girls can't so yes us big girls are sexy.
  • WHAT .. THAT YOUR UGLY WELL THEN THAT SOME ONE HAS A REALLY BAD CASE OF bITC** ASSNESS . Honey they seriously need to check themsleves before they start flaping there Gums chubby girls are sexy dont mind them
  • You look beautiful, don't worry about it!
  • Ever hear of Rubens? His art specialized in plus sized women. Sexy is an attitude. And anyone small minded enough to call you ugly has a VERY ugly mind themselves.
  • Brenda? Is that you? I'm kidding. If your man has seen you, he knows that you are "chubby" and he still loves you. Yes!! Do the sexy pics. He'll be happy and that will make you feel good. Great stuff all around
  • I am a sexy woman. I'm a Slumber Parties Distributor, and I'm pleasantly plump. It's all in the attitude. I am 4'9" and 150lbs. When I walk into a bar, people notice me too. It really is attitude and dressing to flatter your figure...i.e. nothing too tight or loose. I've taken boudoir photos and they were beautiful. The photographer that took them has them as a sample on his wall. Good luck, and know that sexy is a mind set. Not a clothing size.
  • Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder..if he likes you nekkid and he likes your looks take some pics for him.
  • ok you are not ugly. and chubby girls are gorgeous. anorexic girls are just... blah =P. no offence to them. but just be who you are... dont be a slut.... and he'll love you the way you are =)
  • One thing you have to understand about guys if you're their girlfriend,it doesn't matter what you do,you're sexy all the time in his eyes.
  • Yes chubby women can, and are, the sexiest women on the planet. Any man who loves skinny chicks is a closet
  • I have met some very sexy chubby girls.
  • To answer your question, yes. The desirable women of the 1700s era were "plump". That being said, they were keeping themselves in what society dubbed "sexy" at the time. Today though, society finds that "thin is in". If you don't care enough about your weight to work for it and stay thin, why should you enjoy the "sexy" tag? People that are labelled as thin and sexy earned their keep. Take it however you will.
  • stop it i'm cracking up, hahahahahaha
  • Honey u can b what u like. No one should b able 2 steal ur joy. let ur botfriend b the judge,and even if he don't like it ur still bueatiful!
  • Sure they can be.
  • Vhubby girls, are more juicy.
  • Of course chubby girls can be sexy, where the hell do you think sexy came from? Those twigs the media likes to rot young girls self-esteem with? Because hunny, coming from a chubby girl that has had absolutely no trouble attracting a man at size 22, even when they had a choice between me and a girl probably a size 5, trust me honey, sexy has nothing to do with size. As far a taking pictures, sexy isn't about what you're wearing, it's not about how your sitting or standing, it's an attitude, a confidence. That's what is really sexy to a man, true confidence in yourself and how you look no matter what you're wearing or even what you are doing. Sexy to me is knowing that things I can say, do, and feel are going to excite me and my partner. Sexy is more of a feeling, and that above all else is what men notice. So you take those pictures girl, and as long as you feel sexy and desirable, they're going to turn out to be the best pictures ever, and you are going to realize what a hot momma you really are. And your sexiness is going to ski-rocket!
  • Absolutely! Plump women can be highly attractive.
  • the standards for "chubby" have changed in the last 50 years. Marilyn Monroe normally wore a size 12 to 16. it used to be ok for women to have hips and butt, but now the media has convinced women that "thin is in". a women with no hips or butt looks like a young boy with long hair to me. I don't know what you consider "chubby" but some meat is better than some bones!
  • WTF. People are telling you that crap. Tell them to go to hell but they are already probably living in it by now. I am a skinny SOB, 6 feet, 190 and handsome as I have been told and still get turned on by plump or overweight women. NON-Fuc*ing sense! God Bless! :) PFff.. Non-sense!
  • are child of 15 should be taking "sexy" pictures of anykind for any boy...... second ..ur pic looks pretty cute to me.... third...who tells u this? ur family? fourth....u quit letting these worthless people get to u...ur self esteem sounds like pretty beaten down.... fifth..fat or skinny,beatiful or homely, u do not judge people by looks......thats shallow..... last ..if u were mine and i knew u were even thinking such...well,lets just say, u'd be set straight about a few things, AND i think the male relationship bit u'd have to put off til r headed for places u are not mature enough to go yet, or handle...... hold your head bigger than these heartless ,evil people......where's your daddy?thatsJustme:)
  • Your profile says you are 15 so I would have to say please do not do the photo thing. Big girls can and do look good. Do not let someone who is insecure with themselves get you down!!
  • yes thats a silly question i mean would guys really want to look at a stick insect half naked or a real women with curves since when is being curvy a bad thing?
  • My guess is if he is your boyfriend is already dating you, and has in fact seen you in person, he has an idea of what your body looks like, and he likes it (hence him being your boyfriend) so I think your in the clear! Just go for it!
  • Hell yeah girl!! is there a certain rule on weight to be sexy or what? of course there are no rule or anything like that. Being sexy comes from within you, its an attitude you express and if you feel confident the more your positive attitude will reveal. Im 5'7 and i weight 150lbs and i think its not overweight since im a tall female and my ex would AlWAYS freakin tell me to loose weight because when i would sit down i had some donuts. I left him because of that and now i have a man that loves me for who i am and its so weird that when we eat lunch together he tells me to eat good because he dosent want me to get all skinny!lol

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