• Yep. To some people it is. As long as he is not missing big events (like your birthday) then I would just accept that that is what he likes to do.
  • Yep :-) You get 6 whole days, give him just one to do his own thing.
  • Yes my dear, it really is. Football is the one sport that most men await with a passion every week. Having been a football nut for well over 23 years now, there is no cure to this ailment me and my brethren suffer. Let the poor guy watch the game. Will three hours a week be that much of a sacrifice at the expense of something he loves so much. Let the poor guy breathe.
  • you arent as important to him as NFL football.
  • I am female and yes big matches or in fact most competitive sports take up my entire attention.
  • Is there something urgent you need him to do? Did you have plans? Does he really ignore you, or just take his time replying to you (personally or via text) because his attention is elsewhere? Have you tried to get into the football? Its actually really very good. I only got into it cos my ex watched it lots, and now we've split up, I still watch
  • My wife drags me off to football for every home match and watches loads of sports on television, so it is that important to her.
  • Yes. It is for a lot of people. fan comes from fanatic: "From French fanatique or its source, Latin fanaticus ‘of a temple, divinely inspired, frenzied’, from fanum ‘temple’." Here some information about football culture: "Violence The level of passion with which football teams are supported has from time to time caused problems, and clashes between fans can result in violence. Some violence occurs by people deliberately aiming to cause trouble, often after a match takes place, a phenomenon known as hooliganism. Other people engage in 'football firms', organized gangs that seek fights with firms supporting rival clubs."
  • First of all I prob get hunted down for this one. We guys have several things that we need, SPORTS, SEX, FOOD, it's like when you ladies want to go shopping you ignore us when you are looking at that new blouse or pair of shoes. It is the same but with different subjects.
  • It is a male ritual! If it bothers you that much, learn the game and watch it with him. There is nothing better than watching the game with your best friend, (who just happens to be my wife).
  • I'd be chuffed, at least he wouldn't be badgering me all day..:)
  • Of Course, Just leave him alone and he'll talk to you tomarrow or even Sunday night.
  • Yes it is. I learned early on to understand and enjoy the game myself. The difference is I can watch/listen to the game and do other things. He can't.
  • Apparently, make some chili for him and the guys and go get a pedicure with the girls...
  • YES! Coming from the woman with a s/n of "ftblchick05", LOL. But no, at least let him have that one day where he can watch his football! Look at it this least he is watching that instead of porn. :)
  • Yes. And don't bother fighting it. Just find something to do to entertain yourself that YOU enjoy, then get together with him after the game. You cannot be like a little kid and think your man is never supposed to look at or be with other people or have fun without you. If he is up under you all the time, men get bored and feel like caged animals. You would do best to make him and his buddies some sandwiches, give them come Doritos and a 6 pack of beer, and leave the house. lolol! You will get HELLA COOL GIRLFRIEND points galore and all the other men will be jealous that their woman is not as understanding and supportive as you are!
  • LOL. Oh yeah! So, I decided to join instead of fight it and now my husband and I even joined fantasy football leagues and watch football religiously. It has helped me understand the game and thus enjoy it. Embrace it, lol. Don't fight it, lol.
  • Yes. Yes it is. Don't be silly.
  • I'm not so sure it's that the game is that important as I am that you're not, at least to him.
  • I totally feel your paid. Yesterday morning my fiance woke up and he left the house at 10:00 & he told me he is going to watch "the game". Well I'm waiting for him around 3:00in thinking that he would at least be home by that time so that we can run our errands together & maybe go out to dinner like we always do on Sundays. Don't you know that he didn't come home until 9:00 pm? We got into a HUGE argument because he should've specified that he was going to watch "a few games" instead of "one game". I don't care that he wanted to watch football all day...but don't have me waiting for you cause I could've went to the bar with a few girlfriends of mine.
  • Apperently it is to him. Take this time to invade his pants, for money and go on a shoping spree. They get less irritated with you when you have an excuse. "Oh honey, it was just I was so destraut'...."what with that horrible horrible game ruining our relationship"...then top it off with a good loud crying tantrum, in the middle of the game, that should make him forget about whatever he was annoid with you in the first place....Oh ya, ,,,,men can be so demanding....when you want a little time to yourself to do something that you enjoy doing:+
  • You both need to have interests other than each other. If he likes football on Sunday's, either learn to like football or go shopping with your girlfriends. I know this is hard to realize (it took me a long time), but its not always all about you.
  • football to some men is like shopping to most women. in order for your relationship to work you need to have things that you do separate. take up a hobby that day. shopping, or visiting with friends....etc...take the girls to a movie or something along those lines.
  • People alway say that "you have to work on a relationship", well in my experience men don't want to work on anything on sunday, so relaxing with a game to watch is just perfect for them. You can't beat it. Let it go, lol.
  • Yes it is and you should find other things to do on Sundays when he is watching the game if you don't want to watch it with him. If he wants you to be there and ignore you and you don't want to,then you are just going to have to stand up for yourself and tell him No you aren't going to sit by his side and watch him watch football all day. You can spend the day doing many other things....
  • He loves football..why don't you learn something about it, become knowledgeable and support his interest? Then he won't ignore you..he'll be doing high-fives with you if your team wins. A relationship means you support one don't whine, wail or wallow in self-pity..Jim loves tennis..I learned to love the game as well..he plays, I'm a lousy athlete..but we watch all the matches together and I even watch them when he's not here so I can fill him in..why don't you try that? You might really enjoy it! Good luck! Happy Monday! :)
  • YES, watch the game with him or go do something with your friends. You do have six other days, LOL.
  • "football to some men is like shopping to most women" to take it a bit further it's almost a religion! We male humans are very ritualistic and football supports this hypothesis. To answer your question...the game is as important as the ritual surrounding watching football.:)
  • Who cares? Just leave him alone that day! There are 6 other days that you haven't complained about him ignoring you for. If you can't beat him, join him! :D
  • Leave him be and bag with us instead darling... Football season is so short. I torment mine a little bit so that he knows I still love him... But mostly I let it go. Your mother didn't warn you that once a year for a few months that you would become a football widow. We should start a club?
  • It IS that important. You may not understand it, but we as guys also don't understand why it seems like you just so happen to need to talk to us the most on Sunday mornings from September to January! Everything you COULD have talked to us about during the week seems to be the most important on Sunday mornings during football season! It's like, "You have GOT to be kidding me!"
  • concentrating on something we are interested in does not mean that it is more important than the woman in our lives. as long as he gives you all the attention you need the rest of the time. so dont take it personal. and you could make him a lot happier by being understanding and letting him watch.
  • Yes it is. Get used to it.
  • that is just what men do...they watch football & zone out everything else on sundays...I must admit tho, if you start to watch the game with him it can become quite interesting & is usually action packed...i dont always but alot of times I watch it with him or just sit in the same room with him while im on the net...jst accept it, it is what it is! You could also look at it as your day to yourself & we all could you one of those a week!
  • Yes it is. This is unalterable. Leave it alone and enjoy him the rest of the week. :-)
  • its simple honey he is a selfish basturd.......
  • is it that important. IS IT THAT IMPORTANT!? To men, football may be the greatest thing to ever grace his very existance. Some even say that the first form of language ever used by a man translated roughly into "I'm watchin the game". It's just that important
  • Yes, it is that important.
  • Ya...Football seasons only come along once every year and are a great escape a few days a week for a man....There are plenty of other days for you and him to enjoy together, i would suggest doing some girl stuff because I love my football games! GO BRONCOS!!! even though they sucked this year.....
  • Something you should probably understand about the relationship between men and football. many men have grown up with Sunday football. It is something that we have done since we were children with our fathers. While we do love the ladies of our lives it is very hard to ask someone to change a habit, nay, tradition that has probably gone on for the majority of their lives. It also goes back to the basic instincts of man to be the hunter warrior. Crush the competition and be the alpha male. While we obvious can't go around taking down mammoths and hunting lions to fulfill that instinct we often live it out through our football teams glory. In short, if you want to spend time with your boyfriend that badly on a Sunday try and reach some sort of compromise. Perhaps you can adjust to watching football with him. Many women often find themselves enjoying the game once they have an understanding of the rules (which may take some time.. most men don't know them all). If that is not your thing, than find a middle ground. Let him watch whoever his favorite team is and then after that game is over spend time together. However, if this is something him and his friends do to spend time together and just feel like men that I really wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Let him have his time, and take some time to do things for yourself. If he can spend 200 dollars on the Sunday ticket and another 300 on beer over the season, there is no reason why you can't take Sundays to go for brunch with friends or a weekly pedicure/massage whatever. The most important thing is don't demand his attention on Sundays just because you don't like the fact that he pays attention to the game and not you, that is petty. Chances are he loves you and gives you attention the other 6 days of the week and the full 7 in the off season. Why fight over a few weeks of Sundays?

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