Very patiently.
They like to wear a cute little outfit and be pushed in a wagon:)
Be careful, I bite!
Your wife is not a sloth.
I recommend a complete hiking pack, including camping gear, campfire cooking material and rations for several weeks. A shovel for digging potty holes would be good too.
Get an old Red Flyer wagon for the fellow and you can pull him around. No need for a leash, I'm sure you'll catch him if he desides to "bolt".
plan on taking a very short walk or you may be gone for several weeks.
Place him on a wagon and you lead.
Carry the branch; he can hang upside down on it...
Get ready for a camping trip!
Does his bed have wheels on it? lol :)
Have a bit of a lay down.
You may want to pack a lunch...or two.
Lets see, your going to have to take your vacation from work and bring some food, youll be there a while.
I wouldn't bother. You can just "hang around together" at home. LOL
Take some good reading material and a lawn chair.
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