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  • You generally ovulate exactly halfway between periods. If your cycle is 28 days from the start of one to the start of the next, then you ovulate 14 days after your last period began. Sperm can wait around a while, maybe a day or two, and eggs are viable for a couple of days. It sounds unlikely that your friend is pregnant
  • Whilst that is true to an extent, there is no guaranteed. Fertility is not so black and white :-) Pregnancy can still happen anytime, ovulating or not just changes the odds. Ive know ppl get pregnant, on period, before it, after it, weeks before it week after it, day after it etc.... everyone is different. If the condom broke, get her to check that no latex has been left in, the condom should be whole. If there is some in, its pretty easy (if embarassing) to remove :-).

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