• there is some accuracy in astrology, otherwise it wouldn't have been so famous. I belive in it and follow it once a month.
  • The Hindu astrology is more sophisticated than western astrology. I have given astro charts to more than 100 persons. The health aspects predicted in the charts turned out to be more than 95% correct.
  • No, sometimes I read mine just to see if it coincidentally had anything to do with my day, which it usually doesn't.
  • Yes, but the "accurate" portions would apply to darn near anyone. They are deliberately made general to the human condition. I can read part of myself in each one, and in the traits of each astrological sign. No, I don't follow them, unless I'm stuck on a plane and am reading the entertainment portion of the newspaper.
  • Well I don't believe in it... But sometimes I follow it! It interesting to see what it say... and when you re-read past ones! Sometimes you connect the dots... Its fun sometimes!!

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