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  • By the way she acts around you.
  • Theres a couple ways to tell. First talk to her friends and hint around about liking her and if they know anything they may say something about it. You could ask her straight up or pass her a note and if you're lucky she will pass one back admitting to her liking you as well.
  • A girl may not tell you in words, but they are way more outgoing than men. It can sometimes be pretty obvious when a girl likes you because she wants it to be obvious. Just pay attention to the way she acts around you basically.
  • Indicators of Interest
  • By ASKING her. =)
  • Ask her.
  • gonna have to ask her. do it when you are really tired and dont care what the answer is .
  • if you're seriously too afraid to ask, which i dont blame you because most people are, then just try and notice the small things. If she does like you, she'll try and leave small hints so that you'll figure it out on your own. be more aware to things she says and does differently around you and her other friends. and if all else fails, just come out with it in a casual way that you like her, dont straight out ask her if she likes you because she might get nervous and say no when she really does. just tell her sometime after you've been hanging out that you're starting to get a thing for her... if she has one back she'll tell you, and there's no harm in letting them know you have a crush on them anyway!
  • If she likes to hang around wherever you are, even if you're doing something quite boring, like studying. If her eyes light up whenever you come into the room. Sometimes though if a girl really likes you, she will get really shy in your presence.
  • Don't worry. the girl you like DEFINITELY likes me back.
  • If you had to ask this question she probably doesn't,love should be a mutual thing you give and recieve ,believe me you'll know when someone loves you back.
  • Depends on the age..young girls giggle and blush alot around the guys they like....older than eighteen..body language,,, just showing up were ever you happen to be and then saying "oh, I didn't know you were gonna be here." Also if she is wearing her best purfume or cutest/sexiest clothes when you are around..she likes you. IF, ON THE OTHER HAND, she leaves everytime YOU show up OR rolls her eyes everytime you say something..that is a definite, "I don't like you, please go away"
  • She cancells the restraining order.

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