As long as your not a purple dinosaur.
Spreadin' the love! I can dig it!
beaker95You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.
Linda JoyI know insomnia! We go way back! We've met up the past two nights in a row!
AnonameReality is never better on this side of eternity.
Linda JoyTrue, but it's often better than my dreams!
AnonameTo quote the movie, The Never Ending Story, "Dream a better dream."
Linda JoyYes, but that's easier done in reality! Though I'm very thankful I haven't had a bad one in years! So I guess I've already taken that advice!
Linda JoyI'd been here two days at this point.
Won't you say you love. .. me... too?
Mr PantsFellDown
Alright, I love my family at AB.....Now..Are we gonna end up doing that group hug scene from The Mary Tyler Moore final episode, 'cept naked? because if we are, then it's all been worthwhile... -
Linda Joy
Group hugs - I'm in! Naked? Not happening! Not me anyway. I do love all of you though! -
Wait - not naked. I've already dropped my shorts. Do I have to pull them up to receive my hug now? -
Linda Joy
No, it only means I'm not getting naked. I missed you. -
(Blushing) thanks. -
Linda Joy
Now there's an image. Shorts down around your ankles and you're blushing. How adorable!
Still thinking.
We all love you while you're thinking about it.
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