• Shit I would be rude if I were you. lol
  • Anybody making advances they *know* not to be wanted deserves to be rejected abruptly, and if necessarily rudely. If they know your orientation, they have started the rudeness, and they well deserve any rudeness they get in return. Regardless of your orientation, any man should accept a clear No.
  • tell them you have a penis....If a girl told me that i would prolly cry.
  • For some crazy-assed reason straight guys think lesbians are really, really hot... I don't know if it's because they're inaccessible... But, they don't understand - Lesbians are not interested. Period. They're not gonna get any. Guys can be very dumb. (similarly, these same guys panic and act all disgusted at the idea of a gay man...)
  • Guys are after you, cause they are trying to get the 2 for 1 deal. they figure if they can get you, its only a matter of time before your girlfriend joins in.
  • They see all that hot girl-on-girl video porn and start fantasizing that they can join in. Then they figure that they'd be 'good' enough to 'convert' you. Just kick 'em to the curb. They don't deserve any better.
  • The thrill of the chase...always want what you cant get. I would firmly tell them you appreciate their interest, but your totally not into guys...
  • honey...this isnt a lesbian issue, its a female issue. I am constantly pursued by men older than my dad, kids young enough to be my son. They all know they dont have a chance, they just do it. Nobody knows why! It doesnt matter if yure polite or rude; they still act like you have denied them their right or something.
  • Men find you to be a challenge and they think that they are SO manly that they can change your sexual orientation. You may not be able to get rid of them w/out being rude. Guys are so funny, they think that what's between their legs can change the
  • I think that a lot of men think that they are so hot, and if they know you are a lesbian, they think THEY can change you into a heterosexual, because they are so HOT!
  • There is no single answer but the following often is the case: 1) They like that you are lesbian because they are hoping for a threesome. I know that would make you bi, but these type of thoughts in men often forget those technicalities. 2) They are hoping to be the exception. 3) they see it as a challenge I have been with lesbians. Not that I was trying, but sometimes things happen. Some men figure , if one lesbian can go hetero, if only temporarily, perhaps another can. They have nothing to lose. Since there is no single reason, there is no single solution than to decline their advances. Sometimes it takes being rude, but I would not exactly call it rude if you tried the polite way and it did not work.
  • Maybe they don't believe you are a lesbian especially if you are good looking. If they continue asking you out and they know you are a lesbian, then simply say, "no thanks, I rather be with my special person, companion, or my girlfriend. That should shut them up. hope it helps.
  • Be rude! It might ward them off!
  • They see you as a challenge.
  • BEcause guys want the pussy more
  • +5 That is easy. Tell them as long as they wear a dress in public you will date them
  • Tell them that you MIGHT consider them after they get a sex change operation and cut their bits off.
  • You asked two questions. The answer to the first is simple: Most men believe that if they were female that they would be lesbians. So .... since you are a lesbian too ... well ... why not? Second question. Pull a Nancy Reagan on them and just say "No."
  • Well you're probably good looking..Attractive is attractive.Don't bother telling them you're lesbian as that will only make them want you more and they may ask you to bring your partner.
  • It's the whole "wanting what they can't have" thing!!
  • I am a gay man. I have the same thing in reverse. Sometimes you just have to be rude. If they know you are gay and keep persisting, it is time to be rude. I have found if you let them know how repulsed you are by their plumbing that usually puts an end to it. But, sometimes not even that works. Men are used to approaching women. Women don't approach men as much. Generally they wait to be approached. I mostly get not so subtle flirting and sometimes they try to get physical. I rarely get the polite will you go out with me from a woman. If you just get that without the touching, you are lucky.
  • Because 'Lesbian' to us means 'Threesum'
  • Men like lesbians.
  • That must get frustrating for I am a totally straight female and I have had a lot of girls hit on me...and cant understand why... maybe these guys that are doing this to you are purely looking at it from a sexual angle...maybe they want to watch 2 girls or whatever...
  • Some still think they can 'change' lesbians once being out with them I guess?
  • see I do not have this problem. I am a straight man and lucky for me gay men find me no more attractive than lesbians... unlucky for me straight women find me no more attractive than lesbians.
  • Well, as you can readiliy see there are a variety of reasons such men still hit on you, some straight from the horses mouth. I would say that most likely it boils down to this, primarily: Heterosexual men, even knowing that you are a lesbian, STILL find you attractive. Now, there may be ulterior motives beyond that (like Rokus's "threesome" comment or whatsgoingoninNYC's 'forbidden fruit' theory), but that's what it ultimately boils down to. Statistically speaking, homosexual people are a small part of the population, relative to heterosexuals. So in that respect, you would normally expect to see more straight men approach you than lesbians. Add to that the fact that many straight people still do not understand what being homosexual REALLY means and what you end up with is a kind of "disbelief" that an attractive lady is REALLY a lesbian. Now, another problem is this myth/fantasy which is propagated/encouraged by the porn industry that lesbians just LOVE to get involved with men, especially two or more lesbians at the same time. This isn't lesbianism, this is bisexuality. But this is exactly that: FANTASY. Women turn straight men on. MORE women turn straight men on MORE. So the thought that a woman is a lesbian is itself a turn on for many men because it implies the possibility of more women. And you know, there may also be a small number of these men "hitting" on you for entirely different reasons: YOU are SAFE with respect to a relationship and possible pain. When I went through my separation/divorce from my first wife many years ago, I was scared to death to get intimately involved with another woman again. So my female friends were of the "safe" variety: those whom I could go out with, have fun with, and not worry about intimacy. To my knowledge, none of them were lesbian, but under those circumstances I would have found a lesbian extremely attractive as a "safe" date. Here's what I have to say: Be polite in your refusals. There is no need to express your sexual preferences unless you wish to, especially if it is already known. And even though it really is kind of rude behavior on their part to hit on you when they KNOW you're a lesbian, unless they are being an ass about it you should still be polite. But when they really start to cross the line, you need to get more firm in your rejections. The degree of firmness, and how explicit you become, I leave to you and the circumstances you find yourself in. This may range from something as simple as "I'm sorry, but I don't interested in men" to "BACKOFF *SSHOLE! HOW MANY TIMES TO I HAVE TO SAY NO?" (In front of a crowd, at that...). If you know these individuals well enough, you could simply explain "Look...I'm not interested in men, and this makes me uncomfortable." Even if they long as they're nice to you, you could just take it as a compliment that they find you attractive.
  • Girls now-a-days are constantly kissing and touching each other. A lot of em play hard to get if they were pamela in person. It´s just really hard to believe a girl that says `no` now-a-days. Especially since booze has magic mind-altering abilities
  • Although it can be difficult to do, it's not rude to be honest and direct with people who are mistreating you. "I'm a lesbian: I'm never going out with you. Not only are you wasting your time, but you're offending me. Please stop hitting on me or else it will be sexual harassment." It always helps in situations like this to quickly change the subject to something lighthearted right after you say your piece. It eases the tension and lets the person know that -- assuming they follow your advice -- there's no hard feelings. Like I said, I know it can be hard to do this, but I think it's your only option. You could be less direct, more demure or whatever, or make a joke about it, but then it will never stop: they won't take you seriously. Or you could be rude about it. Frankly, it's easier to take those options -- to be rude, or to let people take advantage of you -- than it is to stand up for yourself. Be strong! Stand up for yourself!! Good luck, I hope I helped :)
  • Tell them you will go out with them, but only if you get to be the "man". Then tell them you use a 16 inch dildo.
  • Now i know how Adam Lambert felt at Mount Carmel High School Lmao
  • Because no matter how you label yourself men (at least some men) like you and want to be with you.
  • Stop wearing plaid.
  • 'Cause whether you like it or not, those men are probably attracted to you. Why? Well, a lot of them might just hope for a threesome and to be the guy who turns you "bi". By the way, there are also women/girls who try to turn gay men "straight" or at least "bi".
  • just be rude. their rude to you after all!

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