• Then find one that appreciates you for you.
  • hmm tie her up and get freaky. that'll be manly.
  • You need to be more detailed. When you say hard, senstitive, and good, that could mean anything from "good cook, hard working at your job, and sensitive when she does a little something for you, and you thank her like a little kid (aww) Or You're good in bed, you work hard at trying to clean up after all your friends come over and destroy the hosue after watching super bowl, and your sensetive when she approached you on serious issues.
  • Then she needs to go find someone who is. You are what you are and you can find someone who will appreciate that about you. Don't stand for that shit.
  • People usually don't appreciate what they got until it's gone, if she thinks she can do better, tell her to hit the bricks!
  • Not all women want the same thing, some women might want different things at different periods in their life. It sounds like you are not appreciated because you do not match the inaccurate and frankly offensive stereotype that all men are insensitive, rude and domineering. I think you should talk about it with her, encourage her to be direct and explain what she feels and what she wants from a relationship. Take things from there. If she doesn't appreciate you being yourself I think you should think about ending the relationship.
  • Maybe her preference is a rugged lumberjack eats-nails-for-breakfast man. There are tons of women out there, myself included, who would rather have a sweet boyfriend who holds them gently and whispers "I love you" in their ear. Maybe you could try finding one of those women, it shouldn't be that hard to turn the sensitive charm on (:
  • I feel your pain. She says she loves me and that I'm the one. But she also tells me im not like the other guys (who were biker dudes with tattoos and big muscles) she dated. I know she loves me but i know she doesn't think im manly enough for her, as a matter of fact she has told me that i need to be more a man. I really don't think women understand how fucked up it is to attack another mans manhood and manliness. Look at me im on the internet here looking or people who have the same issues as me. Maybe if she would start treating me like a man i could be that person.
  • Some do.......
  • are you married to her?
  • Dump the bitch! Better yet, cheat on her! It's what a "macho" man would do after all. She's inviting you to do so by being ungrateful for you. It seems to me she's made it clear that you are not what she's looking for? So why stick around? Your staying with her may be a sign of insecurity and weakness. Which really isn't very, um, manly. Sensitivity and insecurity need not go hand in hand. Sensitivity brings romance and passion and as such can be very hot, but insecurity is unattractive in either sex.
  • Dump her there is a woman out there that wants that kind of man , I did and found the woman of my dreams
  • if you are a good, hardworking man....what's her problem? sensitive could be a good thing as long as it's not overly sensitive. define "manly" for me please...cause her version and mine obviously came from two different dictionaries.....
  • Punch her in the face and maybe she'll give you the respect you deserve *i wasn't talking literally
  • are you being a doormat?
  • I'll take you. Do you know how to fix stuff around the house?
  • If you werent sensitive and doing those romantic things for her she would be complaining, some women just arent happy with whats staring them in the face, do what you feel is right and if she still complains then maybe you should reconsider your relationship, she just doesnt appriciate you in my opinion.
  • Some women want men who treat them badly. It's kind of masochistic, and really not right, but if that's the way she is, you can give her space to let her deal with her own problems - because more likely than not, you are not the issue in the first place. She may or may not change her mind, but if not it's probably for the best.
  • I'm a woman and I got an answer I bet more woman won't answer to. You can't really make a woman happy, they/we constantly find something else that would and don't stick with it. But if you can find something you know they love and have for a long time you can still make them happy at least with that. As long as she loves you it doesn't matter as long as you don't end up being a wimp who takes shit from everyone.
  • I think it's time to move on and find someone who appreciates you. There are many women out there that would.
  • Some women are all about games. Any age. Anyone that does not know how to appreciate people that are good to them in their life I believe still have a lot of growing to do within themselves. And therefore, anyone like that should not be in a relationship until they are happy with themselves
  • I feel for you. It might help if you wake up every morning and beat your chest in the mirror. Same thing before you go to bed at night.
  • There are women who will never be satisfied. They are always on the quest for Prince Charming. If you are married, I feel bad for you. If you are not married, let her go and she can hook up with a dirt-bag who slaps her around and cheat on her and sponges off her... maybe she considers that MANLY.
  • It is very sad that some women actually like to be treated badly. You sound a great person ,find a lady that does appreciate you as the person you are.

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