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  • It sounds fine until i read the bit about 'every time we're intimate with each other and I ask what he is thinking about, he says her.' That bit doesn't sound good in my opionion. Maybe you should have a word with him about this? Just express your feelings
  • I was going to say no, but what kind of idiot says he's thinking about another woman (friend only or not) while or just after being intimate?!?! You need to sit your boy down and have a talk.
  • I would leave that relationship immediately!
  • May be he thinks of her as a sister and he can't even think that you are going to take it like this .You have to ask him.
  • G'day Anonymous, Thank you for your question. It sounds like you may need to have a talk with your bf. He should be thinking about you not her when you make love. Regards
  • i would be very jealous. Not about the leaving the room part But if he was thinking about her while we were getting intamite. that would get me irritated. you should ask him "what is he thinking about her" because if he was wishing that was her... thats not good. But It could just be a coisidence. Ask hima nd investigate before you make any dramatic changes. But yes u have a reason to be jealous i would be VERY jealous.
  • nothing is wrong until i read the intimate part.. LOL? get him to a chair and talk what exactly you feel about that.. or stay away from that relationship and don't wait for the worst.. (if they were bestfriends b4 you met him and became his gf..)
  • I would say that there is definately something wrong if he says he's thinking of her when you are being intimate. If it were me I wouldn't be hanging around long enough to be jealous.
  • Um, yeah. Move on, that's not your b/f.
  • I wouldn't get jealous I would just get rid of him.
  • Well.. It seems very very odd that he tells you he's thinking about her when you're intimate - Might he be joking? Not that its funny but is that his humour? I have friends that i believe my girlfriend worries about too but theres nothing at ALL going on between any of us. The fact is i get along with girls better than guys - it's bound to pan out like this for me because of it. You're gonna have to delve deeper unfortunately - maybe you could begin to be friends with this girl casually and see how she reacts to you. Facebook/myspace her? Good luck! x
  • thats sucks. you deserve a boyfriend who isn't preoccupied with another woman.
  • I don't know about being jealous, but if he's thinking about her when you are being intimate with him...that's a huge problem. That sounds like a deal-breaker to me. In my experience, the truthfulness of "we are just friends" is inversely proportional to how often it is said. It certainly doesn't override how he acts. Actions speak louder than words.
  • I am usually an advocate for working the relationship out. but honey if he's thinking of her when he is intimate with you. I don't think thats a good sign at all. Maybe thats who he should be with. I would move on.
  • honey i have been in the same position and it doesnt end well. My best friend ended up sleeping with my boyfriend. You need to let them both know that you arent comfortable with the situation needs to change or they can be together.
  • there's a problem there because your partner isn't thinking about you when you are intimate.
  • Of course. He doesn't respect you. He likes his best friend, and he wishes to be with her.:((
  • Is he being sarcastic or joking? Or maybe she is going through hard times. Don't get too jealous though, it will only drive him away into her arms, if she wants him.
  • I'm sorry girlfriend but, your guy is into his bestfriend he shouldn't have to leave the room to talk to her. what is he hiding?
  • Thats pretty harsh even if he was joking. I'm sure he would not like it if the tables were turned. Tell him it offends you that he would say that after you're intimate with him. Thats a lack of disrespect if you ask me.
  • Wait when you are intimate he thinks of her??!!.....That is bs....Trust me, if there is something not going on now, something will be....I was in the same situation a few years ago with my bf and his best girl friend.....He always denied he had something for her, but then I found out that a few weeks after we broke up they had hooked up, after being with him for a year.....Trust me, there is NO such thing as a best friend that is a girl....
  • They are in real love, watch him.
  • While I would have no problem with my boyfriend having a female best friend, I would have a HUGE problem with him thinking of her while we were intimate...might just be a deal breaker for me.
  • Have you told him that it bothers you? Everything is fine except thinking about her while being intimate with YOU.
  • I don't think you should be jealous, but you should be concerned. There is a horrible saying I have that sucks but seems to be true; "all taken men are available." When they are your boyfriend, they can't wait to get away from you. When you leave them, they can't stand to see you with someone else so they may come back and mess with your head. Not ALL men but a LOT. I hope I'm wrong but that seems to be the trend.
  • Just tell her that there's no problem but make sure that your adversaries just take out the trash in the morning.
  • That sounds fishy. If you've just been intimate, then he should be thinking about you. Tell him that his response to the question bothered you. If he reacts in an understanding way, give him a chance. If not, kick him to the curb!
  • I wouldn't stick around long enough to find out if he's cheating with her.
  • mmmm I don't really know I'm best mates with a guy I've been mates with since I was 3 and my bf likes him. But I don't think about him when I'm with my bf unless im just bout to tell my bf somthing silly he did. You should really talk to him bout it.
  • He shouldn't leave the room when talking to her and should not be thinking about when with you not to talk of when you both are intimate. Please talk to him and don't worry about loosing him if you do so. You will eventually loose him if he doesn't truely love u so why break your heart over someone who doesn't know what he needs. Please you deserve to be treated better.

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